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32 Posts
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32Posts11LikesMost Active Topics


Joined 18 August 2020
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
VMIA insurance claim

I only know for Victoria, but it is what ever is the lowest amount out of the two options is what insurance usually does

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
is location of mains connection required before electrical r

Thanks for info, yes met with Power Utility, Builder's Site Supervisor and Electrician on site and aligned on the mains connection. Seems like the builder and Electrician are not communicating.

KangarooBuilder followed:
2 years2 years
2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
gas line re-purposed to water main?

We had been planning to install natural gas to a new build but have gone off the idea.
The plumber suggested to repurpose the gas line to a water mains…

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Trade quotes in Builder's variation

thanks that is interesting, so a builder could put any mark up they want even 500% and there is no obligation for the builder to be reasonable and/or disclose the…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Non performing builder with industry contracts

100% agreed the ACCC should be doing more and launch an investigation

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Non performing builder with industry contracts

I wasn’t aware that ACCC may have had activity in this area, I wonder if it it was recently? The HIA contract give nonperforming builders a lot of ability to…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Electrical Meter Box on plans for builder

Thanks for the tip will keep it in mind

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Electrical Meter Box on plans for builder

Having a discussion with the Sparkie early next week. Builder doesn’t know if the box can be put behind a lockable gate. Adventure continues

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Electrical Meter Box on plans for builder

Builder says the plans are crap because the meters were not already marked in by my draftsman. Is it such a big deal? Plans have been updated and move forward?…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
HIA Contract unfair terms?

that is certainly very one sided in favour of the builder

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Basement Cooling and Heating

For anyone who has built a basement have you installed air condition cooling down there?
My designer is suggesting to install an air con but I am interested if it is…

4 years4 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
VMIA insurance claim

Has anyone had a recent experience with making a VMIA claim for Builders Warranty Insurance?
I have had a horrible experience with my old builder who is now in liquidation and…

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Car park permeable surface

I have a small off street car park space which needs to be a permeable type to allow water to pass through.
I am in Victoria are there cost effective recommendations…

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
VMIA insurance claim

I am sorry to hear of your situation, I can suggest to engage your Federal MP? ACCC should be looking to contract parts and ASIC to the building company's behaviour.

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
gas line re-purposed to water main?

thanks Simeon appreciate your input.

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2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
gas line re-purposed to water main?

Thanks would be interesting to hear their view, the context is the old builder went bust.

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
is location of mains connection required before electrical r

My builder is claiming that electrical rough in can not progress until mains connection point is absolutely pinned down which we already are verbally aligned with CitiPower what the two…

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Trade quotes in Builder's variation

I have asked my builder to provide the trade quotes that underpin a variation he has asked for. The Builder seems to be pushing back, don't builders have to provide…

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Kitchen Laundry Appliance retailer Melbourne

Does anyone have a recommendation for retailer ready to make deals for a new home in Melbourne?
Similar to E&S who advertise all over the place.

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Caesarstone Porcelain benchtops

Seems like engineered Stone is being banned.
Has anyone used the alternative Caesarstone Porcelain benchtops, has anybody used the Caesarstone Porcelain? Where does it sit in the price range compared to…

2 years2 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Water Connection Dual Occupancy Sub division

I am building two units on the same block in Victoria.
The unit 1 is facing the street with the mains water and unit 2 is behind.
The Water Authority has asked…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Non performing builder with industry contracts

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the Australian Govt organisation that regulates fair trade in the market place
I have written to the ACCC if they can review the…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Electrical Meter Box on plans for builder

Builder says the plans are crap because the meters were not already marked in by my draftsman. Is it such a big deal? Plans have been updated and move forward?…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
Electrical Meter Box on plans for builder

Must every plan made by a builder have to include location for the electrical meter box?
My builder is making a big deal that the meter box wasn’t marked on the…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
HIA Contract unfair terms?

Anyone using the HIA contract for their new build?
What was the experience that you had was the contract used fairly?
The HIA contract seems to have some very favourable terms for…

3 years3 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
VMIA insurance claim

We have pulled down and started the frame again with support from Insurance.

5 years5 yearsKangarooBuilderKangarooBuilder posted:
white mortar for bricks is a 25% price increase reasonable?

Yes you are right actually it is 40% so $35k job is now $50k

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18 August 2020

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