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Who's building with Clarendon??
18571 Posts
9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Hi Gambit79. Recessed shadow line to all floor cabinet doors/drawers for the kitchen was $2600, butlers pantry $370 and laundry $390. We think it looks great. Wish we did the…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Hi Mclaren77, thank you! We are happy with how everything has come together! Hall table is freedom furniture, ottoman is replica Barcelona from life interiors, dining table is bay leather…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thank you! Our bathroom tiles are 600 by 600 white and black porcelain. Our ensuite is 600 by 600 white and the same size black 'star city' tile. They are…

Who's building with Clarendon??
9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thank you! We were told they didn't do laundry chutes as well but we really wanted one and they found a way. Sometimes they say no because it's easier for…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

thanks bk84. I've never had a functional laundry so I knew exactly what I wanted this time around. Here's the other side with the full length cupboard with the laundry…

Who's building with Clarendon??
9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

They fix what they can and any other issues are done after handover. 2 1/2 months after handover our SS is still coordinating the trades to finish what was picked…

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

We are finally getting our driveway.. No more mess or mud coming into our new house!!

Who's building with Clarendon??
9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Too much haha!!! 20K but with our high ceilings and open plan we think they look great!

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

thank you!! Moving in the rain today with a mud pit for a driveway wasn't easy but you couldn't wipe the smile off my face! Another big day tomorrow and…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

thanks bk84! It's one of my favourite rooms!! It's almost the same size as our bedroom in our old house we knocked down Gee Clarendon design and build some…

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

We found the electrical really added up quickly with down lights, extra power points, heater/fans for the bathrooms and junction boxes outside and wiring for fans and front pillar lights…

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

It's not cheap!!! love our ensuite..just need hot water connected ASAP

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thanks guys! after all the ups and downs we finally got there in the end! The house is lovely..still a few things need fixing but our SS looks after…

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Congratulations KLB!! Your house is beautiful. Your kitchen is gorgeous!!! All the best

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Hi, our island bench top is as per the Fairmont 38 on display at parklea nsw. The only thing we changed is to allow for more overhang to comfortably fit…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Hi, thank you. Lower cabinets are polyurethane white on white, upper cabinets are polytec black finegrain finish melamine vertical grain direction and our bench top is quantum quartz crystal black…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thank you, this was our first and last go at building so we're only going to do this once!!!! Couldn't possibly do it again! All the best with your build.

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thank you bk84, Nis and Mrs RS. All the best with your houses. It's such a crazy ride but all worth it.
I have enjoyed reading this forum over the…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Here's some more.. Nothing like that house proud feeling!!!
So glad I got cavity sliding doors for the girls playroom. Can hide the mess in the evenings.

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thanks everyone! We are so happy with all our choices and have no regrets. Our retaining walls are made out of brick then tiled with travertine to tie in to…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Slooooowly getting there

Your house is looking beautiful. Not long to go now!!
I thought I'd post some updated pics of my house. Although it's probably been one of the hardest things…

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

I highly recommend meeting with your tiler going through the tiles and discussing how you want them layed. We noticed the tiler setting up our feature wall tiles on the…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Damn!. I strongly agree that they should do things right in the first place. They lose so much money in the long run. Here we are more than 2 months…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Wow leese, that's ridiculous!! We've been in our house over a month now and still have tradies in and out fixing crap that should have been fixed before handover. Kids…

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thank you! The colour is winter ice..I think it looks even better in real life!! So happy with our choice.

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

mine k3nnis? We went with s very large porcelain tile..60 by 120.. Very big upgrade they are matt and very easy to clean!

9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thanks Leeleh! Can't wait to set up all the furniture and nice pieces to warm it up!

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thanks k3nnis! We got over 100 down lights throughout the house. Our electrical came to 20K - we budgeted for 10K . The freestanding bath was included in the diamond…

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

thanks, yes we went with diamond upgrades.

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9 years9 yearsKandRCHKandRCH posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Yay!! We have keys!! House is absolutely gorgeous so happy we can finally move in. It's going to be a rainy weekend, the house is freezing cold with aircon…

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