Driveway concrete rejuvenation
My driveway is looking pretty dull. I am weighing between painting and resurfacing.
It has no cracks or major damage. Has a few chipped edges.
I understand that pressure washing…

Concrete white patches
Thanks for all the advice here.
Since it rained after laying the concrete, there have been patches on the concrete. Concreter is suggesting painting over it. Will that suffice? Or…

Retaining wall
Thanks for the great advices on this forum.
I am looking to landscape my garden and looking to tidy up how the backyard patio and the car port looks.…

Shower mix tap too sensitive
Just wanted to provide an update for anyone else that’s interested in. We got it resolved by having a flow restrictor and temperature restrictor at the gas heater. A plumber…

Shower mix tap too sensitive
Shower mix tap in one of the bathrooms is too sensitive. Even a millimeter of rotation makes it too hot or too cold. Photo attached. Any ideas on how to…

Water leakage into basement
Hi all
I have started to have water leakage into the basement after excavating and underpinning the house. From previous interactions in This forum, I learnt that the right way to…

Rotting stairs
I have an external wooden stairs in the balcony that is exposed to rain. It is slowly rotting and a part of the railings has started to come off. Photo…

Lawn maintenance services in melbourne
After landscaping works and a long winter in Melbourne, my buffalo lawn is showing a lot of patches and weeds. I am looking to engage something like “lawn maintenance services”…

Retaining wall
Thanks mate. I am exploring how hard is it to get council permit. Looks like I need to get geo technical engineer to approve first. Then get a construction design…

Water leakage into basement
Just wanted to give an update on the fix. Chris above was right. The plumber hadn’t gone deep enough. So the water used to make its way to the lowest…

Water leakage into basement
Thanks Chris. The drainage system is at the lowest point. It is right next to the concrete plinth at a depth of foundation. Plumber had exposed the foundation and laid…

Agi drain - distance from footing
Thanks guys. Will keep that in mind.

Agi drain - distance from footing
My house is on a sloppy land and slopes downwards As you go to the back of the house. We have surface water issues due to this slope and…