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Joined 20 March 2017
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5 months5 monthsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Re sale Deed in a completed House and Land Package

Will have a look, thank you

5 months5 monthsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Re sale Deed in a completed House and Land Package

The house is already completed that’s the solicitor’s point.

5 months5 monthsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Re sale Deed in a completed House and Land Package

Hi All
We are in the process of purchasing a completed house and land package in Leppington and our solicitor does not agree that we should sign the contract that includes…

Re sale Deed in a completed House and Land Package
5 years5 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Thank you Sam!
We have a rear garage, all fenced so we just basically need the front landscaping. Its also one of the terrace house so maybe just take a photo…

5 years5 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Hi All
We've moved in last month, so far so good.
RE landscaping, we are doing fake grass for the backyard pending Final OC.
So the plan is to put real turf first,…

5 years5 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Hardie Zero Lot Wall

We are building a terrace house using Zero Lot wall in South West of Sydney.
Just like to ask anyone who has knowledge of this product.
Thank you

6 years6 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
New Breeze, Bardia, Edmondson Park

landofoz how are you doing with your build? have you got the council approval? How long did it take and do you have…

6 years6 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Terrace House

Anyone here have recently purchased an off the plan Terrace house, if you can share your journey :)
Thank you

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Stockland Elara at Marsden Park

Anyone here purchased in The Grange Parkside Terraces?

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
SPLIT CONTRACT Spring farm House and land package

Hi Joie
How did you go? Seems like everything went well?
We are having this problem and registering soon.
I will send you a private message if its ok. Thank you

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I did not receive an email yet as well but my valuation is done

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Right. Thank you
Time to prepare :)

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

So its now with the council?
Do you mean settlement is Mid-End April?
When can we do valuation?
Thanks again :)

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I will try and call tomrw as well :)

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Thank you for sharing, this is noted

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Hi Sam
So did you experience delay on settlement because of developers solicitors limited appointment? That is just so unfair :oops:

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Much appreciated wentworth33
Please post any reply from Dahua.

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Thanks for the update

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

wentworth33 Do you have an idea if we can do land valuation now? TIA

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Yes, especially when from renting a unit you dont pay anything for the water. But hey it all comes with owning a house :-D

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I dont think they consider the size of the house/land for the recycled water cause ours is one of the smart lots. If they do, that's good

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

It's just a bit expensive for me for $150 a quarter plus the normal water line will be around $500 together:-?

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Right. Thanks wentworth33 , will follow up again next month.

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I called NB sales office and was informed that they are done with works and its already with the council, now the council say it will take 3-8 wks for…

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

For 500 series right? awww

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

For 500 series? awww

7 years7 yearsjuliennegdjuliennegd posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

There are a lot of posts re NBN/antennas, just scroll down as much as you can :)

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