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Joined 21 March 2016
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5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

:lol: thanks mate!

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Pump installed today as well as the first spur line for sprinklers.
Left to right: Pump inlet hose (wrapped in lagging), solenoid controller wires, pump outlet to irrigation
Here you can see…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

I last spoke to him at 2/3rds full and he was quite astounded at how quickly we yielded that.

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

We weren't sure how much rain we'd get over these few days and my neighbours tank was already full, so he transferred 1500L over to me earlier this week.

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

What a busy couple of weekends I've had. I'm now happy to say that I'm officially at a point where if it rains I'll be catching it in my tanks!

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Got the two SDs up on the downpipes today!
Made a small cutting error on SD2 because I forgot that it didn't have all the size adapters that SD1 required -…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Nice will keep those thoughts in mind.
Plumbing is pretty much ready to go as soon as the sd's are installed. Can't see the laser point from the level as it's…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Some very interesting points you raise there, it really does seem in the theme of the failed government insulation scheme where 'cowboy' installers with little experience or understanding/knowledge were able…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Got the tanks in position today!
Tight fit through the garage but my measurements turned out to be bang on!

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

It's slowed down a bit over the last few weeks but we've had some good falls for the last couple of days.
We're currently on stage 5 restrictions, and moving to…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Been a while since I've updated this thread with my progress.
So I went ahead with the plan to use treated pine sleepers, for extra strength I've also braced them across…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Update from Tankworld - my tanks are due to be delivered next week on Tuesday 3/3. I'll be busy this weekend creating the base for my tanks and getting most…

Jomo followed:
3 years3 years
5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

That's very interesting how such a small length can have such a huge impact. Based on my research I believe I would have gotten away with 25mm blue line as…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Yep not an issue - I've oriented it all so the entire length of hose from tank to pump is almost straight... I'll pop a pic up tomorrow as it's…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Not quite filled in yet, waiting til I get my lines run for sprinklers. Was hoping to do it today but it was absolutely freezing so I passed on that…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Quick update - both tanks are now full :lol:

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Ah yep nice one. I'll definitely follow up, im certain there will be a local supplier to do it.

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Hmm hadn't really thought of that, hopefully the weight of the hose is enough to hold it down. I installed the pickup with a tether line to the top vent,…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Sorry did you mean weigh or weight? Because I did neither :lol: It is very light, it's 3d printed and has a honeycomb design to fill…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Looks like we're forecast for some rain next week - can't wait!

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Haha absolutely I will be!
To be honest no I didn't - just thought "I'd better match the downpipe colour to the SD colour" so I painted it 'Manor Red'…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Had good success after a few attempts - I was lucky enough that one of my downpipes is in a good position to project the laser light towards the tanks.

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Raising the height of sd1 without the additional work on the tanks sounds like an easy solution to me! :)

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

My lovely wife :) We lay the tanks on their sides on a tarp and she pushed, I pulled and steered. Once we got through the…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Thanks mate :) Gee we must think alike... my mark II design is shown below :P

Rainwater Harvesting Help
5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Got my first diy waterbouy installed today. I underdesigned the original part that keeps the filter from touching the bottom of the tank - you can see in my final…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Finally finished my tank pad last night - fully compacted and levelled, took just shy of 5T of crusher dust to fill.

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

I was planning to use timber sleepers to build a frame and then fill with compacted sand, but I think it'd be a great idea to 'chase' them into the…

5 years5 yearsJomoJomo posted:
Rainwater Harvesting Help

Bit harsh to the frog don't you think? :lol:

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