Our First Home - New Build SA
Very excited to see the end result. As it a very big land if properly used then you can make out of the box design style house. waiting to see…
Theatre Room COLOURS Help!
I feel theatre room should be very dark and soundproof as well. Because when you watch a movie there has to be dark in your surrounding area then only you…
Kids beds
Some creative things have to be there when we are planning anything for children. As they learn what they see so better to make things in a proper way and…
Bedroom furniture
I prefer instead of purchasing furniture I would make custom-made furniture. As it will be as costly as ready but custom-made will be according to our requirement and design as…
Tile selction
These custom designs are so costly better to go with custom or 3D painted tiles which are less costlier than these custom shaped design tiles. (Not oppose to anyone)
Flooring Options in various areas
In TV room & Bedroom, there should be soft rug which will give good feel and look. On the first floor, you can keep marble (Color according to your choice)…