5PostsMost Active Topics
1 year1 yearJimmy2times posted:
Grout tile around spigot?
Grout tile around spigot?
Thanks splashers, that makes sense.
The waterproofing guy used this Davco product, I will raise the issue with builder and hopefully get resolved with him - if not…
1 year1 yearJimmy2times posted:
Grout tile around spigot?
Grout tile around spigot?
Attached photo
Should the tile be grouted under the cover plate?
Pool area was extended and slab laid. Then spigot core drilled and set in place. Then screed and waterproofing.…
5 years5 yearsJimmy2times posted:
Remove shower
Remove shower
Thanks Splashers will give it a go. It’s getting scraped anyway but could do without glass everywhere. Appreciate your time detailing the steps required
5 years5 yearsJimmy2times posted:
Remove shower
Remove shower
I’d like to remove this shower (without smashing it to bits). Where to start??
5 years5 yearsJimmy2times posted:
Floor tiles - height of overflow drain
Floor tiles - height of overflow drain
Hi, I’ve started to pull some floor tiles up in small toilet only to find they were tile over tile from previous owners. So now in process of taking it…
Joined homeone
28 October 2019