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Joined 10 March 2010
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13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Internet connection for appliances

You have to question the point of it all really? What advantages does it really bring to have the fridge connected to the internet...
You can understand the need to have…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Smart Wiring Setup Prices

5k and a 150ish per point. They must have seen you coming Barnseee.
And i just dont get your logic behind having the NBN or not. Data is a far more…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Need Help Planning

So xxennon how are you intergrating sonos? have you written a java plugin or the like?

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Advice on Multizone video & Audio please

Didnt check the website with enough detail!
Yes because austar/foxtel use there own ir frequency, which is different so it doesnt clash with any other ir devices.
Your best bet is to…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Advice on Multizone video & Audio please

Looking at the pricing of those matrix's on that site im inclined to be a little bit of a sceptic. $599 for a 2 in 4 out system but only…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Which way do you wire your house and what products?

wireless cameras.. haha

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
data/av/video/tphone/audio/smart etc wiring HELP/SUGGESTIONS

so which products would do this and are affordable..???
https://www.ness.com.au/Index.asp - Ness M1
http://www.homeauto.com/main.asp - HAI omni

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
data/av/video/tphone/audio/smart etc wiring HELP/SUGGESTIONS

Thats correct it is the 'marketing' term for stuctured wiring but the problem with this is that terminology has lost all creditability due to the fact that all the…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
data/av/video/tphone/audio/smart etc wiring HELP/SUGGESTIONS

My 2 cents is simple. and i love the statement "I dont want to be sold anything I dont need."
Just about everything that you have listed except the data network/tv…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Wiring for Multiroom Audio Visual

Not the best idea using the switcher in the AMP for your bluray/foxtel, especially that your using HDMI, which may cause you a number of HDCP problems. My problem with…

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
NBN ready

Your far better off running the 4 points from your HUB/data switch to the lounge room to clarify

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
NBN ready

You can. But you will lose alot of bandwidth/speed. Put it this way i wouldnt advise it but its not the worst thing.

13 years13 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Speaker Cables - Please Help

I wouldnt get caught up in a cable arguement... 10-16 gauge cable will give you a good result and the difference will be minimal if any. The thicker the cable…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Starserve, Hills home hub, what to buy?

waste of time using these solutions to send pay TV such as foxtel. very poor picture quality with HD boxes.

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Starserve, Hills home hub, what to buy?

A enclosure, gigabit switch, patch panel and a NAS drive to any smart based network TV.

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Home Automation - what worked well?

simple replacement lol...
this is not the great USA! things are done differently over here than in the US.
I do agree with you on pricing but thats about it.. and depending…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Multiroom audio and video wiring

""Again, depending what type of system you use, everything should be able to be controlled from each point and, with the allowance for a coax cable to each room, you…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Multiroom audio and video wiring

hi-fi2 and nuvo are the same product just rebranded and they are not ir distribution systems..

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Multiroom audio and video wiring

So wheres he going to put his Bluray player into this? http://www.elanhomesystems.com/productdetail.asp?id=16#

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Multiroom audio and video wiring

Disagree. Heard of somthing called the 'apple airport express'? with apple signing agreements left right and centre with all the online music streaming services for their cloud music service, sonos…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Ness alarm question, another question help please.

..... na obviously it doesnt need power

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Opinion wanted on splitting Foxtel signal to other rooms

The whole worlds moving from analogue to digital why would you want to run cabing for analogue technology because "it just works." Thats the most outrageous reasoning ive ever heard.…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Clipsal C-Bus

So just out of interest Perth-1st Timer what is your C-Bus system intergrated with? and what were the overall costs to intergrate those areas.

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

Honestly, this is not very good advice at all and ill explain why. The mainstream Wireless Networking Technology to this stage is only compatible to hold one High Definition stream…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

Thats the secret kerry-ann get as much cabling in as you can anywhere in the future you think you will have a TV put at least 3 cat6's and one…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

The 'Telstra Velocity Package' (more reduntant technology)... Makes me ill seeing this rolled out into homes. This is just telstra being proprietary and running cable into peoples homes for their…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Help- my media room is a blank canvas!

Sounds pretty good to me.. in all honesty the most important point of of any home theatre/media room is sound proofing it.
Theres no point spending excessive amounts of money on…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
home theatre pc

should upgrade from windows xp so clunky!

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Networking everythign in the house

In terms how established those two compaines are lets look at it from the worldwide leaders of automation the USA.
Hai would be the largest distributor of 'automation' products out of…

14 years14 yearsJezzaJezza posted:
Networking everythign in the house

HAI's omni panel
Ness's M1 panel
As much as everyone likes to mention c-bus as having the ability to control everything in the home it is predominantly only a lighting control system…

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