Vancouver -Porter Davis
We were actually pretty lucky - the worst part was the contracts (took forever to get it all correct) we were meant to start in April 2016. But since we…
Vancouver -Porter Davis
Hi everyone just an update on our build
Things are going smoothly and on schedule
Porter Davis homes
Update on our Vancouver - Alfresco is looking mint
Porter Davis homes
Just a little bit different - also it's a narrower house so the opening isn't as wide which might put it off?
Porter Davis homes
I think it is different - the wall is meant to be squared where as yours is like a hexagon shape?
Vancouver -Porter Davis
We went for Ashlite full strength on Display at Greenvale Warldorf
Vancouver -Porter Davis
So close now! Do you remember the name of the colour of your render??
Porter Davis homes
We didn't pay the 3% at tender as there were so many errors and items which we not priced etc.
Once we received correct pricing we paid the 3% (a few…
Home Building Blogs
Hey Nikil have you tried this?
Home Building Blogs
We are building the Vancouver 33 by Porter Davis
Build has started today - follow my blog if you like!
Porter Davis homes
Went to see the block this morning and it has already been excavated! I'll update my blog rather than this forum so feel free to have a look!
Porter Davis homes
Went to see the block this morning and it has already been excavated! I'll update my blog rather than this forum so feel free to have a look!
Vancouver -Porter Davis
How high are their ceilings? Did they use the corner stacker without the pillar? And did they extend the alfresco more than the grand alfresco? Haha sorry for all the…
Porter Davis homes
Starts on Wednesday! Very excited/nervous!!!!
Very exiting!! We have our WoS appointment tomorrow, I can't wait for it. Hopefully it's an enjoyable day!
On the way to…
Porter Davis homes
Starts on Wednesday! Very excited/nervous!!!!
Porter Davis homes
We did the same thing - only problem is that you then have to cost in getting the tiles laid (which is anywhere from $50 to $80 psm) and also…
Porter Davis homes
No cost for cat 1 brick buy we weren't a fan of the choices so we decided to go with hebel. We were also told that hebel helps with the…
Porter Davis homes
It was very over priced so we decided to outsource it ourselves and saved $$$ I don't think their carpet is the best quality - we were told that within…
Porter Davis homes
Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you
Porter Davis homes
Yeah it's really hard as no one is able to give you pricing only tell you which is what category!
We haven't had the best experience with the contracts being wrong…
Porter Davis homes
Hi everyone my boyfriend and I are building the Vancouver 33 - build starts in 8 days
Follow my blog and instagram if you like!
Vancouver -Porter Davis
Seems quite high! I was hoping for around 15 to 20k but I must be dreaming lol ?
Vancouver -Porter Davis
Hey guys
I'm building the Vancouver 33 and not sure what the average site costs should be - has anyone built this home before? It's our…
Porter Davis homes
Hi Everyone
My boyfriend and I are building our first home, the Vancouver 33, and have created a blog to share our experiences with you all