8 years8 yearsjeffro186 posted:
McDonald Jones
McDonald Jones
We are building in the Newcastle area.
Wall wrap is an extra layer of insulation applied around the frame before the house is bricked.
I'm told it's a must for people…
8 years8 yearsjeffro186 posted:
McDonald Jones
McDonald Jones
Hi there, we are build in MJH and have just been added to the construction list.
Hopefully will see some action on site in the next few weeks.
We didn't have too…
8 years8 yearsjeffro186 posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
Thanks for the info on the recessed door tracks.
8 years8 yearsjeffro186 posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
We also are getting the tracks recessed into the slab. But we are getting MJH to do the tiling. I'll see what I can find out about the tolerances.
Joined homeone
19 February 2017