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Joined 11 April 2011
Gold Member
10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
The Tipping Points (SBS)

Thank you for the heads up about this program. I have just watched it broadcast on SBS at 9.30.

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Clothsline on brick veneer (mansory cladding)?

Good question. :th:

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Studio (fancy shed) build

Whoa, thats a bit scary! I'm pleased to hear you're alright.

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Clothsline on brick veneer (mansory cladding)?

IF it's brick veneer .. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question and your problem is sorted but when I read your question I was confused. Brick veneer is…

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Smaller house plans 20 squares or less

20 squares is thought of as small? :shock: Oh but wait, I think nowdays the measurement includes the garage? When we built this house the size…

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Insulation Retrofit with existing Floc Insulation.

Did you have it tested first to ascertain what it was?

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Studio (fancy shed) build

RuffTuff, that's a wonderful and unique building you've achieved there, I love it!
waxinggibbous, how interesting are those badgirs!

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
My new house at Fern Tree, Tasmania

I've been busy and not keeping up with this forum for a while but your thread was one of the reasons I thought I must take a look again. Such…

10 years10 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Fenceline screening trees

Do you want trees or shrubs? I like the suggestion of callistemons, there's lots of varieties, but bear in mind they attract bees when flowering so perhaps not so suitable…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Advice on whether a freestanding bath would work here

:lol: I'm sorry but I don't like the look of something that says 'push a mop around me'. If there is enough space to comfortably walk…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Insulation Retrofit with existing Floc Insulation.

I've not heard of floc, whats it made of?

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Polished Porcelain Tiles - Staining

Sometimes this forum makes me feel old.
Tiles that need extra sealing?
Roof eaves are an optional extra?
What next? Why are the things we used to consider standard turning into luxuries the…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Polished Porcelain Tiles - Staining

I agree with the suggestions to test it on a spare tile, but it doesn't sound right to me, it sounds like theyve found a convenient scapegoat. If the tiles…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Anyone else not carpeting bedrooms?

Thanks for the info.

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Studio (fancy shed) build

I love your house and I absolutely love that fence RuffTuff. Looking forward to following this thread!

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
House Orientation - Cool house in summer, warm in winter

Oh, right, I see what your saying.
I'm no expert (apart from personal experience :lol: ) but as I understand it its all to do with the…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Flooring strips

There's something wrong there I reckon. We have the same style strips between carpet and tiles and our carpet is much older and has worn threadbare in heavily trafficked areas…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
House Orientation - Cool house in summer, warm in winter

That looks good Bigblock7. The south facing bathroom windows will be prone to condensation but there are ways to reduce that.

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
My mammoth tree trunk stepped garden: Awesome present!

Isn't it exciting watching it come up. :) I remember when we resowed our yard after the drought. :)

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
New house/Tiles cracking

That does sound like more movement than normal. :(

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
New house/Tiles cracking

It happened to us too but not so fast! One thing to check for is whether the gap where the floor meets the wall is filled with grout or silicone.…

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
What makes cabinets good quality? What questions to ask?

I'm glad I looked today as we are getting quotes at the moment for a few small things, thanks for all the good info everyone.

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
My new house at Fern Tree, Tasmania

I hope you've put that blah day well behind you.
That bathroom is amazing! :D

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Laundry Exhaust Fan

Thanks, will look into those.

11 years11 yearsJazzyJessJazzyJess posted:
Virburnum hedge for narrow space

Did the fancy garden designer not provide information on what maintenance such a hedge would require?
My go-to plants for narrow garden beds are conifers, if you don't mind the wait…

Joined homeone
11 April 2011

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