8 years8 yearsNoelle1986 posted:
Oracle platinum home Hamilton 257
Oracle platinum home Hamilton 257
Electricians are done... flooring tomorrow cant wait..
9 years9 yearsDreamHome2point0 posted:
Building with oracle Qld
Building with oracle Qld
Your house is looking great Jamie, very neat, even the wonky lights lol.
9 years9 yearsPink86 posted:
Building with oracle Qld
Building with oracle Qld
Oh wow, gorgeous home! Your tiles look great. Our dirt was put outside rather than inside, they use it for tiling.
9 years9 yearsNoelle1986 posted:
Oracle platinum home Hamilton 257
Oracle platinum home Hamilton 257
Front door is on as well as rear garage door and laundry door
Eaves in
Electrical rough ins
Lots went on today
9 years9 yearsflossy17 posted:
Building with oracle Qld
Building with oracle Qld
Omg kitchen is great , well done
Our Acreage Build
9 years9 yearsDreamHome2point0 posted:
Hunter Valley Build -Post Handover Journey Begins :)
Hunter Valley Build -Post Handover Journey Begins :)
We got slabbed! Yaya!?
9 years9 yearsPink86 posted:
Building with oracle Qld
Building with oracle Qld
Take lots of pics! Can't wait to see! Very exciting
9 years9 yearsPink86 posted:
Oracle Advantage Plus - PCI!
Oracle Advantage Plus - PCI!
That's awsome. The kids are lucky to have have any sort of play room, I never had one as a kid lol. I tried to get draws but they would…