ChrisL's duplex in Marion SA
Hey there Chris
Not long to construction now.
We're also financed with member's equity, but we've taken out a standard home loan...at the moment we have about…

Building in SA!
Hi everyone,
Kim, small world . McLaren Flat is so lovely, we looked at the new subdivisions in there when we were searching for land.…

Building in SA!
Mel, that's so exciting!
Soooo close, I'd be losing sleep lol!
Yes, the kids are actually asking to see it when I pick them up from…

Building in SA!
Welcome fortunate Glad you found your way.
I have to admit to thinking the exact same thing as Helyn in regards to moving garage forward and…

Building in SA!
Hi , just updated my blog (but not with pics yet), as I've been up to the block this morning. So happy with the brickies, they've now made it round…

Building in SA!
Aaaww thanks guys. I was feeling so angry when I posted the other day. Still pretty ** but feeling a little better.
The brickies have just started, they've only done half…

Building in SA!
Hi guys,
It's been ages since I've come and touched base, I've had nothing to update with unfortunately
We're still where we were a couple…

Building in SA!
Vid, our builder made us sign a waiver for the black front door we chose, but at least we were given the choice …

I can,t believe they,ve finally started !!
Hi Mel,
Sorry things are dragging a bit. It's the same story here, they're pretty far behind with everything when DH visited the office the other day, they told him that…

Building in SA!
Well, after my rant the other day (which felt mighty good to get off my chest BTW LOL) we drove up to the block last night. i deliberaltely avoided driving…

Building in SA!
Bianca is a popular brick! I've noticed that every second house is in Bianca brick, in every estate we have driven through, makes us one of the sheep then I…

Building in SA!
It's been a bit quiet in here.
How's everyone's building going?
Nothing much has happened here LOL! I have updated my blog though with pics of the frame and brick piles …

Building in SA!
Hi Mark, welcome!
Our estimate was $15K. It ended up being $30K!

Building in SA!
Yay Mel! You must be so stoked! I can't wait to see wome photos I think I'll be picking your brain for concrete/pattern…

Building in SA!
So quiet in here, I thought I'd rescue this thread from page 20 LOL!
We have had action at the station Kitchen in,…

Building in SA!
Hello everyone!
I came in here to specifically stalk Mel....how's the big move going? So excited for you guys, you must be thrilled to have the keys! Like

Best Builder in SA?
Hi there Astroboy,
I don't really have enough experience to rate the best builder (in the process of building for the first time). We're building with Statesman (Hickinbotham...they're exactly the same…

Building in SA!
Neko138, I just had a further thought (although may be completely along the wrong track!), have you thought about approaching a fixed price footings builder, like Rossdale? I am sure…

Building in SA!
Thanks guys!
Yup, so excited I am thinking about taking another look when I pick the kids up soon
Vid, we have had a cleansing…

Building in SA!
Hi everyone,
My sympathy goes to the pregnant ladies, my first two are March and Feb babies, and I swore never again to be heavily pregnant in summer

Building in SA!
Tamsin splurge $5 and get your brickies a powerade.
Might do just that, thanks I have felt so sorry for them, last time I saw them…

Building in SA!
Hi Mel, Yep, I reckon that'd be the one! It's the only one on the top of the hill which still is at frame stage. It faces the bridge (our…

Building in SA!
Hi everyone,
Things are picking up here, thanks everyone for your lovely thoughts. I thought I had really hit rock bottom with this whole thing, poor DH has had to listen…

Building in SA!
Thanks Helyn,
You're right, I agree it's the builder rather than the h&l package. In theory it should be smoother than doing it seperately! Unfortunately for us though it's meant we've…

I can,t believe they,ve finally started !!
Mel, that's looking brilliant...it's great to see it all come together
Your tradies are working over Christmas? We haven't had anything touched sinced the week before…

Garage door - roller or panel lift - opinions please!
We've chosen a black panel lift, it's double width because I drive a tank (Chrysler Voyager) and worry about how it would fit if we had a pier in the…

When does building begin
Oh no Stormy, that's bad. There's nothing worse than watching everyone else's houses start and you're left in limbo We know too well

Building in SA!
I am trying to find my engineering report, but I think it's in DH's office (where he makes all his phone calls from, so half our personal paperwork ends up…

Building in SA!
Dena, our brick is called "Bianca". Sorry no idea who it is manufactured by . It's a light creamy colour, pics are in…

Building in SA!
Did they gave a reason? or is it becasue thats a standard PC for a one level home and not a split?
No, they knew it was split, we had a…