Daiking or Actron Air Conditioners?!?!
Depends which model you get. The older ESP Plus & Ultima's have a Copeland compressor which can be fairly noisy. It uses modulation to vary its' output as…

Does this look right???
The effect on the efficiency will be marginal. Compared to the total area of the fancoil what % is damaged...? 2%...?
This would have been seen by the installer, but difficult…

Ceiling v floor ducts, which heats most efficiently?
We would certainly say you get better heating from floor vents. Ceiling ones will give you hot heads and cold feet. The heaters today don't produce much air by volume…

Daikin 8hp model FDYQN200 is it inverter ?
No. The 'standard' inverter model number is FDYQN200L. The 'premium' inverter model number is FDYQ200L. The latter costs $2k more.

Daikin 8hp model FDYQN200 is it inverter ?
It's not a proper inverter. It can only vary its' speed by fixed steps instead of being variable all the way through the range. The FDYQ200 is the comparable inverter…

Ducted A/C - Diffuser Grille - Round/Linear .. any good?
Linears in ceiling have a couple of issues. Plastic ones just look awful and everyone can tell they are plastic a mile off. Aluminium ones can show off the skills…

Ducted A/C - Diffuser Grille - Round/Linear .. any good?
Round ones are rubbish. Installers like them because they are easy and quick as you don't have to line anything up properly. But the air dispersion on heating is awful.…

Multi-head split system
ActronAir on 1300 522 722
Daikin on 1800 640 046
And ask each for 2 of their recommended dealers in your area.

Actron Air conditioning ducting ESP Series vs Daikin
Can't be done as Actron won't provide any part load data.

Actron Air conditioning ducting ESP Series vs Daikin
This is a huge red herring. There are so many variables in there it's not funny.
If you read what I said at the bottom you'd see... Lots of good reasons…

AirCon Controllers - MyAir Vs. Izone 310?
What's wrong with the Daikin Zone Controller...?

AirCon Controllers - MyAir Vs. Izone 310?
Really? The iZone is just a (not very good) copy of the MyAir isn't it...? From the blokes that left Advantage Air (MyAir manufacturer) and setup in 'competition'. I guess…

Actron Air conditioning ducting ESP Series vs Daikin
I don't think so. There are so many variations in the install it would make it quite difficult. And I wouldn't be paying too much attention to their reviews of…

Actron Air conditioning ducting ESP Series vs Daikin
You'd have to ask Emerson or Actron those questions I think...

Actron Air conditioning ducting ESP Series vs Daikin
Emerson manufactures a scroll compressor that is capable of varying the refrigerant flow as per requirement. Instead of fixing the scrolls together permanently, the scrolls are allowed to move apart…

Actron Air conditioning ducting ESP Series vs Daikin
The Actron/Daikin debate will never end... I sell both...
The Actron is home grown and well supported. Its' fancoil can vary its' speed according to the required airflow. Its' Copeland compressor…

Air- conditioning
Call your installer/builder... clearly still under warranty...

Daikin ducted outside unit noisy
Send me the serial number of the outdoor unit and I will find out who installed it and whether you have any warranty left.

Daikin ducted outside unit noisy
How long has it been installed...? Got louder over time...? If it's still under warranty call the dealer out for a look...

Mitsubishi Electric vs. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries?
There isn't... And they are both separate entities not owned by the same holding company.
MHI parts are silly expensive if anything ever goes wrong outside warranty.
ME are a good brand…

Wine cellar - air conditioning unit sufficient???
We've only ever put in cooling only systems...
Don't deal with window rattlers so wouldn't be something I'd think about... not sure how good they are at holding a set…

Wine cellar - air conditioning unit sufficient???
Have put a few AC systems in wine cellars now... I'm no wine expert but... some thoughts...
Don't get a reverse cycle system... the consequences of someone accidentally hitting the…

Cassette Air Conditioner
IMO cassettes are great and they can really crank. There's a bit more to installation than with HWS systems so your labour will be more. Also the systems themselves cost…

hydronic heating with heat pumps
You need a Daikin Altherma system.
http://www.penair.com.au/pdf/daikin-alt ... ochure.pdf

Braemar Adjust Capcity
What is the difference between the system now and when it was initially commissioned...? Have extra outlets been added...? Do you have zones...? You will probably need someone back to…

Intelligent Life Gen III ac system
It isn't right at all. I'd be going to see the Department of Commerce, Consumer Affairs to air my grievance if I were you.
I'll send you a PM as well...

Heating/Cooling small 3 bed townhouse
When you say compacted what do you mean...? We put lots of small 7.1kW ducted systems into 3 bedroom townhouses. If downstairs is a problem then a single split usually…

split system during build or after handover?
Hmm... I have read unappealing things too... I'm mystified as to why your builder is behaving like this... or why he's using these people...

Problems with Gas Ducted Heating Ducts
Use a combination of cable ties and duct tape...
Air Conditioning business owner