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229 Posts
Bronze Member

229PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 3 October 2008
Bronze Member
15 years15 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Patio Roof Trusses

No thats prefab. By stick build I mean conventional roof framing.

15 years15 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Patio Roof Trusses

If your going to make your own trusses you might as well just stick build the roof instead to save yourself some time.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Birds munching on my grass.

Get a real cat and that should solve the problem :lol:

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Eaves - 450mm vs 600mm

Is it just the way it looks in that pic or is the eave on the right hand side and the front of the garage 450mm?

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
$53,000 for bricklaying (LABOUR ONLY)

Dont bother with that guy!

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Unreliable Tradesman - Fencing Quote Needed

Supply and labour should roughly be $60 per metre plus $5-$10 dollars per metre to remove the old fence.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Fixed interest rates

^^ Thats why its good to have a good broker to help with your loan.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
$53,000 for bricklaying (LABOUR ONLY)

That price is ridiculous. A rough price would be $1 per brick if they supply sand and cement plus extras for sills and 2nd story etc.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Cost of getting a deck constructed

Yeah Duke sounds on the money so then you have to add Labour to that. Duke would be quoting that price on some well suited timber for the job so…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Fixed interest rates

At 4.7% id be happy to have a loan fixed for any length of time.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Drinking on the job

Yes they would be game enough to leave them because they sure as hell not going to take the rubbish home if there is a bin right there. Also some…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Clipsal C-Bus

I have used it before and I think Cbus is a great system with heaps of great add on features. If you can get it at a cheaper price then…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Jo's Bridgeport..... guttering and fascia! 27/07

The new pics are looking great Jo and im looking forward to inspecting the finished product. The framers look like they do some quality work from what I have seen…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
cost of merbau

Good point about the exchange rate Duke.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
cost of merbau

Merbau is becoming more expensive and and the availability is slowly starting to diminish which is why a lot of timber yards are starting to stock more cheaper alternatives.
From memory…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
cost of merbau

What size decking 70mm 90mm etc?

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Approval to move driveway

You would need to talk to your local council and they will tell you the way to go about it.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Fascias & guttering

The roof went on before the fascia? That seems very weird and I would imagine that the guys doing the fascia wouldn't be happy with the roof being already on…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Timber Floor - 5mm?

5mm solid timber flooring? I cant say I have seen it before but I don't think I would want to because it just sounds cheap and nasty. Once it is…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Hebel concrete panels for external walls

I am yet to see such an incident. People always mention that but criminals know there are many easier ways to break into homes with your bare hands or even…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Ducted heating blows cold air first 20-30 seconds.

What is the problem here? 20 seconds 30 seconds what does it matter? Its basic common sense isn't it? You cant expect instant heat.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Home Alarm System

Sounds expensive, I would want a surveillance camera included for that price.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Hebel concrete panels for external walls

Hebal is ok to use but there are a few other products out there that are similar such as polystyrene cladding which have some added benefits like insulation.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Flooring Particle Boards Exposure to Weather

That will be no good and may even be worse because you wont be able to completely cover it with tarps so water will still get in and being under…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Tank question

It doesn't necessarily mean less downpipes because the guttering needs to have a certain amount of downpipes so the guttering will not overflow. Less downpipes can be done in…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
A slab and portico question

That is all a load of BS. Ofcoarse it can be done and usually is done as standed with any builder. I dont think he knows how to do his…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Paving and Retaining wall - Is treated pine reliable?

Hi is going way overboard with his advice and he will make your rather simple cost effective job into a more difficult expensive job. As fu manchu said a compacted…

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Dark render on blueboard? Is it ok?

colour shouldn't matter and I would think that darker colours would hide any flaws that may appear.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Colex Homes

That's definitely not right and there should be a final walk through (pre handover inspection) before the handover is finalised. What you describe doesn't sound right to me.

16 years16 yearsI_BUILDI_BUILD posted:
Haymes PC painter.

So your keeping it all to yourself or are you going to post a link to show us the program you speak of?




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Patio Roof Trusses
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