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Joined 15 September 2014
Bronze Member
8 years8 yearsCD12JDCD12JD posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

im appalled at the shocking state the road that leads to Oran Park is in! i mean like seriously its been like this for over 4 years now

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8 years8 yearsbroken dreamsbroken dreams posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Had a conversation today which went something like;
Q. I'm told you're building with M.
A. Yes.
Q. What's it been like?
A. Ummmm, educational.
Q. Oh really? Are they any good?
A. Well, the…

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8 years8 yearsNJCNJC posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Congratulations homerun2oran!!!! How exciting!

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9 years9 yearsMGardzMGardz posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Sorry to hear Redwynne. Your floors look great though.
So begins the M shut down for another year, so perhaps there won't be too much movement on the forum for the…

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9 years9 yearsSpikes PlaceSpikes Place posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

In other news I gave birth to a baby girl on the 11/11... ::lol::
4kg so not as big as your boy Michelle, but…

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9 years9 yearscassynunncassynunn posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Its all ours.

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9 years9 yearsmarina12marina12 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Got a phone call from the boss today with an apology for what happened yesterday
PCI meeting will be arranged with someone more experienced

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9 years9 yearsMGardzMGardz posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Good luck jolo! If you get allocated good people it should be ok. Like Gibson said keep the eye on the prize. I've been trying. Lol My cousin is a…

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9 years9 yearsredwynneredwynne posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Interesting conversations happening here lately. I'm sitting on the train thinking there must be heaps of people that must like M's construction process and actual build otherwise how can they…

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9 years9 yearsLincoln35_mckinleyLincoln35_mckinley posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Happy for you homerun2oran
How long was your stage with council for?

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10 years10 yearskimisstressedkimisstressed posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

WoOHOOO!!! WE got a rental! Finally... thanks everyone for listening to me whinge!

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10 years10 yearsAntoinette_4137Antoinette_4137 posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Richards Loop last night.

Who else is building at Oran Park?
  ⋅  3
10 years10 yearsdvestatedvestate posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I assume those letters would be for the governments line, if you are impacted by that your block would need to be up near the corner of Dan Clearly and…

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10 years10 yearsLeelee79Leelee79 posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I got told 4-6 weeks.

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10 years10 yearsJayjay84Jayjay84 posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Took us 52 days. Single stories were getting done quicker though I noticed. I was on their website everyday checking lol

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10 years10 yearsEdmondssEdmondss posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

We got charged $2395 to change to 900mm built in stove and oven from M and roughly $500 to change the cabinetry to handle inbuilt

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10 years10 yearsesmesm posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

how are you guys progressing? fence is up, but with the rains.. no work has really started.

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10 years10 yearsGillyMGillyM posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

well said, villinaeliters! I think that also sums up a lot of our thoughts. the things that may not be perfect are relatively minor (paint not perfect, a few blocked…

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10 years10 years1st_HomeBuyer1st_HomeBuyer posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I am in 10F and i am sure land wont settle until APRIL 2016. I would consider my self lucky if i get in my house within 2016.
Anyone has any…

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10 years10 yearstrimumtrimum posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

That's fine, its about $6200 in fees a year (for high school) then there is the subject fees on top too, I'm not sure how much they are.... The Oran…

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