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188 Posts
Bronze Member

188PostsMost Active Topics


Brisbane, QLD
Joined 5 August 2007
Bronze Member



G'day all
My name is Anthony, and I work as a town planner for a local government in South East Queensland. I've been walking through display homes for about 10 years…


Urban Planner (Private Consultant)


Display villages, home design

Most Active Topics

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Can't decide between Hallmark and Newstart ! Feedback ?

It should be noted that the Newstart was sold about 10 years ago, so the company today is not the same company it was in the 1990s. This doesn't necessarily…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Bus stop.

Be thankful you have a bus service.

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Do we really need 4 bedrooms?

One of the factors that is making housing so unaffordable is people building houses bigger than they actually need for resale. The starter home used to be 3 bedrooms,…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Cascades on Clyde

The smart wired estates generally are an overpriced monopoly.

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
"Mark & Melissa's Build Blog"

I think you'll find that plan is barking the wrong way up the copyright tree.
The '10 percent' changes is not only a myth, it's complete B*&LS#*T!
The builder is question probably…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
The beauty of eaves (sorry Matt)

*if you don't do it

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Implied easement discussions

Very protective aren't we?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Just because infrastructure crosses another person's property does not mean there has to be an easement. The permission…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Implied easement discussions

I disagree.
Do you honestly think a property built in 1958 is going to comply with current standards?
Even today if infrastructure is minor in nature, such as a small stormwater pipe…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Did you get a solicitor to look over your building contract?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and if in doubt yes.
The contracts don't have Warning: Seek Independent Legal Advice for the sake of it. You have the right to seek independent…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Brookland Greens

I'd say land sales should be frozen.
This is yet another example of a development getting refused by both Council and the EPA and then the developer going to VCAT and…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
When do PD do their 5 star energy rating??

The energy rating is largely a paper exercise, which is quite sad. Something that is 5 stars on paper may not be 5 stars in reality.

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Zero Lot Lines???? Help

If you paint the zero lot wall you are intefering with someone else property. The walls does not form the boundary line, rather it just happens to be 150mm to…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Zero Lot Lines???? Help

Not all estates have covenants.
As mentioned earlier, there is no requirement to consult adjoining owners if zero lot boundary setbacks are done in accordance with the Queensland Development Code. The…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Zero Lot Lines???? Help

You will find that in Queensland, zero lot boundary setbacks that are compliant with all regulations (ie. they do not form part of a siting variation) DO NOT require consultation…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Geotech report requested by Council

A geotechnical report is NOT a soil test.
Geotechnical reports address slope stability to ensure a building is not subject instable soils.
Normal soil tests DO NOT address this.

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
New efficiency rating help???

The cut off has already passed. From 1 March 2009 minimum energy rating for new residential buildings is 5 stars up from 3.5 stars. Energy rating has NOTHING to do…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Free air conditioning at Homeworld (Sydney)

No amount of free air conditioning changes the fact that HomeWorld 4 looks like the cross between a bordello and a ghetto.

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Copywrite for floorplans

You're missing the point, the ideas of a plan are also copyright. Have a look at the Barrett Property Group vs M3tricon case. Both plans were nothing like each other…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Floorplan with Centre Courtyard - ZEN - WA

Simple answer. No different to any other drainage, underground pipes to the legal point of discharge. You won't get a swimming pool in heavy rain if the drainage is maintained.

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Copywrite for floorplans

Short Answer: NO
Long Answer: NO
Copyright infringement is copyright infringement.
The case between Barrett Property Group and M3tricon proves that even with substantial changes copyright infringement can and will be enforced. Basically,…

16 years16 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Anyone heard of gdevelopments?

Coral Homes prices are actually generally pretty low, mainly because the standard inclusions are very basic. I'd be rather wary if a smaller builder offered you a $25k saving. Find…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Interest Rates CUT 1% Again?- 0.75% Cut in Rates

Still no word from ANZ bank on the latest cuts. Even so, I'm still laughing at getting the ANZ Simplicity Plus loan as it's 0.7% below the standard variable rate…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
The beauty of eaves (sorry Matt)

Eaves are just as important now as they were 50 years ago, probably even more important. Energy efficiency standards have changed and modern houses need to be as efficient as…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Implied easement discussions

Again, Council generally do not control property notations and in many cases easements are not required for small scale infrastructure. This is hardly an emergency and definitely not illegal.
I refer…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Implied easement discussions

Storm in a teacup anyone?
How old is the area?
Generally you will find that stormwater across neighbouring properties does not require easements and it may have been constructed some time ago.…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Stormwater detention tank

gpierce is dead right. Stormwater detention tanks are meant to detain stormwater during a major storm even then slowly release the water, so as to not cause localised flooding. It…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Our Coral Heron:We're in and LOVING IT!

Just clarify, Council's in Queensland generally don't care about house design, unless you are triggered by a setback relaxation or the like. Generally the only thing from Council needed is…

17 years17 yearsHomeReviewHomeReview posted:
Thinking of of building with M3tricon? Look elsewhere!!!!

That's normal! They make their money from insane markups!

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5 August 2007

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