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Joined 5 February 2010
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11 years11 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Here's another fun fact about our build: the third builder, T&T Building & Renovations, who did actually finish our house has now gone out of business, his BSA licence has…

11 years11 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

I thought it was time to finish off this thread and post some photos of the final product.
We moved-in in July 2013 and finished the landscaping & pool in December.…

11 years11 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Anyone tried Aussie Drain Mate/Grate Seal/Dekfit Grate Mate?

I have just purchased some Grate Seals (115mm stubby version) on-line to deal with smells coming from our ensuite floor waste. The shower and sinks join in at the…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Time for an update:
Painting completed
Tiling is complete, apart from some wall tiles on vanities
Kitchen cabinets installed, still missing benchtops
Internal balustrades installed
Wardrobes fitout
Electricity & lights all done, including 4kw solar system

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Our timber floors are in and they look great, even though they are just rough (to be sanded later). Vanities have been installed and I think the painting starts…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Well more good news today - the timber floors are going in upstairs (14mm brushbox) and the bedding has been laid for tiling in all the bathrooms. The internal…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Work has continued on site however we had a hold-up for about 2 weeks while the engineer signed-off the frame. There were a few issued to rectify but we…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

T&T are working hard on site, making progress. The scaffolding is down and materials have been delivered for the timber decks. The new SS seems to be a…

Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook
12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

We're no longer building with Adenbrook. Nothing has happened on my house since my last post back in November and the Adenbrook franchise we were dealing with (builder no.2)…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Sorry to hear of your delays MissRead. We were originally scheduled for a February 2012 start, actual site cute was done in May. Various excuses were offered about…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

We're at the enclosed/lock-up stage! Cladding was completed yesterday (linea boards - character requirement). The stage invoice has arrived, and I am a little nervous about paying given…

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

And a timelapse video. Follow the link to Flickr:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/91843901@N ... hotostream

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

New photos taken on the weekend. External cladding is scheduled to start this week.

12 years12 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Things are back on track again. Building was on hold for about 10 weeks. Probably not as bad as it could have been when your builder goes into…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

We may have a carpenter back on site late this week (fingers crossed). We are well behind schedule though. The previous builder was falling behind because he couldn't…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
MP's M'con Hudson 47 that wasn't! Pics pg.3

Fingers crossed, I think we have a resolution. The contract is assigned to another franchise within the group, same price and same finish day. It is a far…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
MP's M'con Hudson 47 that wasn't! Pics pg.3

Wow, what a blow! Makes you wonder why we do it sometimes with all the stress and heartache involved. I hope you come up with a resolution.

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Good news for a change!
Adenbrook have arranged for one of their other building companies to take over our construction (assign the contract) and have agreed to complete the build for…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Our builder has filed documents to wind up his company so we are now in the hands of the liquidator and the BSA.
This is what our house looks like:


Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook
13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

I should make it clear that it is only one particular Adenbrook franchise that is in trouble. As far as I know the rest of the company is OK.…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Oh dear, bad news.
I've just been informed this afternoon that my builder has gone into liquidation. This is not the answer I was looking for!
I am now in the…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
PH Eclipse Q1 - Brisbane build

Where in Brisbane are you building? We've been through a similar process of knock-down & rebuild in Wavell Heights (northside). We also flirted with the idea of an…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

The roof is now on and the electrical & air-con rough-in has been done. I had completely forgotten what colour I had chosen for the roof (Colourbond "Woodland Grey")…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

The roof is finally going on! We've had more delays with wet weather but the fascia, guttering and roof should be going on today. Rough-in planned for next…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Ducted Refridgerated Air Con Perth

I opted for an Actron unit myself, our house is about 300m2 internal with 5 bedrooms. I choose the Actron unit over the Daiken offered as standard by the…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

We've had a few delays with materials and wet weather but they've been back on the job this week. The upper level frame and roof trusses are now in…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Construction timelapse

I just looked on ebay (what would we do without it?) for Plantcams - you're right, there aren't many on there. Seems they were old stock now replaced by…

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Framing has started for the lower level.

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Here are the plans and views we will hopefully get from the upper level.

13 years13 yearsHillcrestHillcrest posted:
Hillcrest build at Wavell Heights - Adenbrook

Yes, it is heartening to see progress. They are moving along quite nicely!




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