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Joined 19 February 2016
Junior Member
9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Modernist Inspired House Build

From what I could see the home looks fantastic, but most of the pics went down so I can't see them. but spectacular was the time in which the whole…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Casper white half or natural white?

Could you post some so the situation inside your house will be clearer? in particualr, I can't quite imagine how much lighting there is in your house and that seems…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Clay, Concrete or Limestone Pavers

I assume these should not only be technically sound with good parameters, but also fit the whole environment aestheticallly. It'd help if you highlighted what they will to go with…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Opinions on this as a kitchen splashback

The tile in the photo seems a bit darker, navy even, or maybe that's just the light in which the photo was done. It might look like in this found…

Opinions on this as a kitchen splashback
9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Renovating our 1960's modernist home [project thread]

That, sir, was a rather great job! Seriously and I could vouch for your perfecionism just looking at nice job you did documenting the whole process. This is a good…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Home Furniture & Design Concepts

I think this is a 40sq house and design is The Chifley from Rawson homes.

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Home Furniture & Design Concepts

I think this is a 40sq house and design is The Chifley from Rawson homes.

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
TV in front of window?

Post some pics after you've decided on something, if you may :)

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Help I want to become a int. des. but where to start???????

Thanks, Michelle for the link and explanations. Usually, when I'm about to take some course, I do have doubts about whether its quality'll be enough. Could you give some examples…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Ideas for entry hallway

Yeah, an artwork'd perfect there. And I also agree that generally it should be rather dark, but as it is shown on the photo above, it might be with some…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Entry Niche - what to hang

Yeah, I agree that mirror here would be a bad idea. You'd have to choose a very simple one, without any posh frame that would lose its visual value in…

9 years9 yearsHighEndMirrorsLoverHighEndMirrorsLover posted:
Home Furniture & Design Concepts

Geez, I really like this bathroom in the pics your sent, except fot those flowers and starfishes in it, but the design itself seems very light to me.
How large is…

Joined homeone
19 February 2016

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