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Joined 25 February 2013
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10 years10 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Tiny home on foundation, strawbale 55sqm. Floorplan.

Hi Strawlizzy,
Just on a tachnical note a post and beam strawbale construction works best by having the structural framing encapsulated by the strawbale and clay render. This provides fire protection…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
2014 owner builder cost per M2

Hi buildwest
There is no accurate simple answer to your question. The only way to work out the price is to do the actual quantities for labour and materials .
When I…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
The order of building what and when to do things?

Hi Schultzie,
I have finally got around to writing my blog on getting an owner builder loan. If you check it out you will still find that it is not any…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Approximate cost for garage and bedroom extension?

Hi spam jam,
You can start by looking at the free 2014 home cost guide on my website.
You can find building costs per square m for all materials and labour costs.

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
The order of building what and when to do things?

Hi Lenny,
You have certainly been given some great advice on this forum.
There is heaps of free stuff on subcontractor cost comparisons, estimates, works schedules and scopes of work on my…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:

Hi All,
I just wanted to clarify a couple of things just in case you want to be an OB.
You will need at least 40% deposit if you want the bank…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Owner Builder Checklist

Check out my website for checklists and spreadsheets, cost estimates and Gantt charts free to use

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Delayed land settlement

If you are planning doing an owner build then this is good news.
You can sign the contract and not pay anything until settlement. This will give you heaps of time…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Hey am after quotes for the following trades

Hi Dave and Kate
Don't rush into your build thinking that OB will save you money. It can if you plan it right.
What I suggest is you download my detailed cost…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Considering OB'ing our small extension

If your structural slab complies with the Aust Standard guidelines then you don't need an engineer to draw structural plans for you. You just use the standard details…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Raised concrete slab questions

Hi Smitho,
You have a couple of options for your slab
1) you can do strip footings , build the subfloor block work up to required height then do an infill slab.…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Is cost over run normal ?

Hi hopper,
Don't feel disappointed. You fit the profile of an owner builder. This is the main reason banks don't like lending to OBs. The other reason is because it takes…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
OB in Perth

Hi Nimisha
I suggest you talk to a project manager before you do too much more.
You can get plenty of good advice for free from here but now that you have…

10 years10 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Greenify Consulting - a huge thank you and recommendation!

Hi Nectar,
Congratulations on your achievement and thanks for your recommendation. The real hero here is YOU as you have proved that taking a risk and knowing your limitations and asking…

10 years10 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Tiny home on foundation, strawbale 55sqm. Floorplan.

Hi Strawlizzy,
Being totally committed to an ideology like strawbale is admirable.
I have helped many owner builders achieve their strawbale dream. I now have the hindsight to know to pitfalls, highs…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Cost of building house

Hi zeeshanzaki
There is no easy answer to your question. There are so many variables.
As StewieD suggests you are better off going with a project home builder if it is a…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
The order of building what and when to do things?

Hi Guys,
Greenify here. I need to sack the accountant for not paying the ISP account.
The problem is I am also the accountant!
I have been promised my website will be…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
What is cheaper - Building design

Hi Batey,
As you will find out the cost of labour is more expensive than the materials to build a home.
The simpler the home design the easier it is to build…

11 years11 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Owner builder seeking services of a project manager

Hi Bebe,
I don't want to throw a wet blanket on your enthusiasm to owner build because I know you can save considerable money by managing the process yourself but it…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Best way to get quotes: Site clear, prep, cut and fill...

Hi Comfyhouse4me,
It sounds like they are taking advantage of you.
Before you make any further decisions or spend any money check out my website at www.greenifyconsulting.com.au and…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Costs of building 150 SQM, 2 story home in Sydney

Hi square peg
There is no straight forward answer but if you go to my website you can download for free a detailed cost estimator that is based on current industry…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
would you have a double sided fireplace in your bedroom?

Hi Lucylu,
I have 5 wood fire places in my home. One is double sided (kitchen/Dining room)
I like to keep fit so collecting and splitting fire wood is a great way…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:

Hi Jewel 740,
Owner building can be very stressful and end up costing you more money than if you got a builder to do it all for you.
In the current market…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Builder's license?

I would recommend you engage a project manager or builder for your first project. Stick close to them and learn. If you think building is for you then get your…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Raised concrete slab questions

Hi Smitho
The precast beams do need a small crane or franna but because they are already cut to size and numbered it is a very quick operation.200m 2 of…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
OB in Perth

Hi Nimisha
It is never safe to assume however I find it highly unusual to have a clay site in an A or S area. Developers aren't usually that naive …

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Tools are rusting!

Use goanna oil all over the surface. You will be amazed.

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Considering OB'ing our small extension

Hi howhardcanitbe,
If you want my spreadsheets as a cost guide I can PDF them for you. You won't have the functionality of an excel spreadsheet though.

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
OB Spreadsheet - available online

Just flagging that this was a pretty old thread. If you want an up to date spreadsheet with current 2013 prices you are more than welcome to download my spreadsheet…

12 years12 yearsgreenifygreenify posted:
Bathroom disaster

Hi namweng,
you could try it with silicone. At this point you have got nothing to lose.
It will be difficult to get a good looking finish with silicone.
You would also…

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25 February 2013

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