Nara Native Turf - New Turf Variety
Was walking along the beach on the Sunshine Coast and saw lots of Zoysia macrantha growing on the dunes. As a coastal grass in Australia, why would you use anything…
Kikuyu invading my turf
If you have Buffalo turf here is a link that explains with pictures how to get Kikuyu out. ... do-it.html
The easiest way to keep Kikuyu…
Buffalo Varieties
That Sapphire looks beautiful. I agree, the finer texture makes it look so much better. Looks are important too.
Buffalo Varieties
I know this an old post, but I just wanted to point out that plants and turf have come so far in the last 100 years, but in the last…
Sir Walter Buffalo - "generic" soft leaf buffalo as good?
Sapphire in the photos does look darker Green, but its texture is the thing I like about it the most. It is so much finer when it matures.
Everyone has…
Working out how much turf i need
Just spoke to them on the phone. It is a Buchloe, or American Praire grass. A lot of people are going to be confused by these people if they are…
Lawn grubs this year
I agree with you on Black Beetle. Army Worm can cause a lot of damage quickly, especially in the tropics, but even here you are right the lawn will repair…
Landscape grasses
If you use Lomandra longifolia in WA just use sterile forms like Tanika or Nyalla. They never produce seed and are safe. Many millions have been planted around Australia, and…
Lawn grubs this year
Did any one have lawn grubs on their lawn bad this year. What did you use to get rid of them?
I have been testing some products and want to…
Landscape grasses
Patersonia are not much good in Sydney or Queensland, but I can see they work in WA. I have seen it many times first hand. Too many weak Phormium are…
100% I doomed?
Lomandra is too tall as a lawn alternative. To be a good lawn alternative, I believe the plant must be self repairing, and very low growing. Spreading is a must…
Landscape grasses
Shara is Probably the closest to the size you want, but will need to be pruned after about 5 years to keep it at that size. It's a really good…
Turf - Kenda or Kings Pride Buffalo?
Kenda is more maintenance, but it will stay greener. If you have dogs or kids playing in the back yard, Kenda is a better choice. If you want low maintenance,…
Mowing 1000m2 + of turf
Definitely a ride on. Get one with either a catcher or better still a mulching mechanism if you can afford it. Less clippings sitting on the ground, particularly near the…
Landscape grasses
Wingarra is much tougher than Seascape as it has Rhizomes, and does not wash out in colour. Confertifolia types in general are much weaker however than longifolia types. Personally I…
100% I doomed?
To form a lawn in Australia it needs to spread. All successful lawns do. Buffalo, Zoysia, Couch, Kikuyu. A shade lawn id no different. It needs to spread. Liriope Isabella…
Microscopic photos of barbs of scratchy and soft buffalo
I think if you look at the site it is clear that the Lawn Guide writer does his own thing. Sure people can advertise, but he has his own opinions,…
100% I doomed?
Liriope Isabella will do well in full sun, or very heavy shade.
Mixing grasses - Sir Walter and Empire Zoysia
Sir Walter runs faster, and needs more edging. Sapphire runs faster than Palmetto as well, and needs more mowing than Palmetto. Again the DPI research proved all this.
Sapphire is…
Mixing grasses - Sir Walter and Empire Zoysia
If you put Palmetto and Sir Walter side by side, you will notice the Sir Walter grows much quicker than the Palmetto and needs mowing a lot more often. Recent…
Covering a Bessamer Block Wall
Try using blocks that look good in the first place. That is a much cheaper way.
Try either Timbercrete , or Nature Bond.
Microscopic photos of barbs of scratchy and soft buffalo
Check out these cool microscopic photos.
It shows close up photos of leaves of different Buffalo grasses, and explains why the old style original buffalo was scratchy, and shows why…
Artificial Turf that doesnt shine and cool to touch?
There is now a lot of research that shows lawns take out 4 times more carbon from the air compared to the carbon produced by mowing it. Turf is a…
Working out how much turf i need
I have never heard of Buffalo grass seed being sold. In the USA Buffalo Grass is Prairie grass, and is sold by seed. I have heard of this being sold…
Working out how much turf i need
All Buffalo types will produce some Viable seed, but it is very very hard to germinate, so do not worry about it coming up. The scratchy ones like the old…
So I'm thinking about artificial turf!!!!!
To make it easier I thought I would copy the info from the other post I made hear.
Artificial grass (Plastic fibre Mat is its real name) is an alternative to…
So I'm thinking about artificial turf!!!!!
Look at this article. It tells the truth about plastic fibre mat (artificial grass). ... ncrete.php
or go to the other thread on this forum
Sir Walters/Zoysia OR Matilda
I agree they are more expensive, but so is buying a plant form a nursery rather than taking cuttings from neighbours. Still lots of people buy them because they are…
100% I doomed?
Just mowed mowed my isabella for the third time in 3 years. It is living in a spot that gets no direct sunlight. The key is to put pavers between…
Nara Native Turf - New Turf Variety
Yes you can oversow EZ as well. It's done all the time on commercial projects in colder climates.Austral turf now sells Nara in Melbourne. HG can get it in, but…