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Gone Ducky
138 Posts
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Gone Ducky

Joined 3 May 2009
Senior Member
13 years13 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
The backyard plan - starting with blank canvas.

Maybe check with your nursery for local native plants that can be used instead of conifers.

13 years13 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Birds in Your Backyard....not what you think

It was great to see a doco on nature that you know! We were talking about it at work the day after, and although it is great to see a…

13 years13 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Problem with a Landscaper

Humble is right. You really should make contact in writing. Don't go on websites writing bad reviews or go straight to some tribunal. Putting it in writing shows that you…

13 years13 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Another game of....name that plant

Going by the leaves I think it is H. bucculenta.
The Wildflower Society also sells plants every Sat in Landsdale and have sales there and in Glen Forrest a couple times…

13 years13 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Name this plant please!

Could it be a green phormium, quite a large one? That Gymea Lily looks spiky whereas this isn't

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Oh but it was the first time I had used fertiliser in the garden!

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

They are everlastings (Rhodanthe sp.). My second year and the best display! Last year the mulch rotted nearly all of them. I also used the last of the native plant…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

I thought I would show what is flowering in my garden at the moment. This garden is without retic, limited hand watering and very little soil improvement. I've only recently…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Anyone who is renovating bathroom or laundry in Perth

We're looking at doing our bathroom. We've collected stuff for it over the last couple years! Should finally get onto getting it done soon thank god! I'm still looking for…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:

Going back to your original question, I would just put it straight onto the vegie patch. I have ducks and when we used to use a lot of straw, especially…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Lawn Shrimp - are they harmful?

Here's some more info http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in377
Everything has its purpose! Although I don't know about ticks...
They are probably decomposers of some sort. Oh the article mentions…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Harrisdale? In WA? Are you near the Regional Park? Have some bushy areas to help give the Quendas some habitat!

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

On Sunday, I did a little bit of weeding out the front - not much to do! Checked out my everlasting seedlings; hopefully they actually survive this year! And discovered…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
What to use to keep the weeds at bay?

If you keep pulling the weeds out before they set seed, you will need to do minimal if any weeding eventually. My garden in the front yard is only just…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
What is this on my gardenia please?

We have this on the fig tree. The leaves are removed and put in the green top bin.

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
What type of garden for bushfire zone, in national park area

I don't know which state you are in but this is for WA
http://www.fesa.wa.gov.au/internet/default.aspx?MenuID=370&ContentID=562 .
You are dealing with plants - they burn! You don't have to have a desert style garden…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Cleaning second hand bricks

Cool, I might need something like that soon!

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Sufficiently sufficient.....

We use the moon chart by Thomas Zimmer.

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
what's this invading my Sir Walter Buffalo turf?

Yeah, onion weed (or Guildford Grass). Has it flowered? It's difficult to control in bushland, sorry I don't think you could use the same chemicals to get rid of it…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Suggest an alternative for grevilleas?

What??! I almost choked on my dinner :n:

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Suggest an alternative for grevilleas?

Lol! I hate grevilleas but they are hardy things. I do have some in yard but they have a different leaf type so most peole wouldn't pick them as a…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Doggie memorial tree

You can plant straight away. A friends dog died recently and they planted an orange over her. I have a sheep carcass under a pawpaw and that has not stopped…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Suggest an alternative for grevilleas?

Could you just try another variety of Grevillea? There are heaps out there. They should be really hardy.
Another good screening bush is Ricinocarpos 'Bridal Star'.

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Anyone know what this plant is?

Not necessarily. My dad had some in a garden bed, no ponds in sight. They must've been the giant variety.

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Using IBC tanks for underground water storage

Oh yummy! Make sure they get real big! But they do like their territory so you may find there are none left or they are at least missing a claw.…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Should you pay trdadesmen for quotes

I know of Strumer's experience too many times! There are soooo many people out there that will go with the cheapest quote, and they aren't always "poor" and can be…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Anyone know what this plant is?

You could make paper from the papyrus!

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Using IBC tanks for underground water storage

We use the IBC tanks underground as part of our aquaponics system - they aren't completely underground, need to get to the fish somehow! Anyway, we did a similar thing…

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Anyone know what this plant is?

My first thought was papyrus but I'm not too sure...is this taken at the Perth Zoo?!

14 years14 yearsGone DuckyGone Ducky posted:
Small plants for narrow garden bed

What about the small Dianella's? Dianella Little Rev I think they are called. They are small, easy to maintain and have a bluey green colour.



Technical Officer @ DEC


Native plants, ducks, crafts, motorsports, photography, running

Joined homeone
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