4 years4 yearsStewie D posted:
Energy Efficiency Advice
Energy Efficiency Advice
Here is a standard pic of where the heat goes in Winter and how it finds it's way into your house in Summer.
It comes down to how much you want…
4 years4 yearsbuilding-expert posted:
Provisional Sum Items - Actual cost v contract provision
Provisional Sum Items - Actual cost v contract provision
This is the law in Victoria
I am not familiar with NSW but would expect it to be much the same
The bottom line is that PS is not builder's money it's…
4 years4 yearshiker posted:
Eaves or not to eaves
Eaves or not to eaves
I agree with everyone that eaves have many advantages - we are putting 600 mm eaves all the way around our house.
One important aspect of your house design when…
4 years4 yearstheanonyuser posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32
Things you forget - summary page 32
Quoting the hard work of Pepsi_Drinker and attempting to provide updates after page32 upto this point of the thread, I will have missed things so feel free to copy &…