Porter Davis homes
Exactly what I said to them, they had nothing to come back with on that one, just shut the conversation down
Agreed, I asked about getting my own electrician in to…
Porter Davis homes
I think you're right, if i had my last SS at the start it'd be easy, he was really good!
Porter Davis homes
Seems like it's a pretty common problem, this is what i've been left with. I can't legally do anything with this! All despite paying full price for a data port.…
Porter Davis homes
Just wondering for anyone that was paid penalties by Porter Davis for being over contract date, were your payments calculated from Handover date or PCI date?
My building coordinator is telling…
Porter Davis homes
Guessing it will vary greatly, we are building a single storey and we paid fixing stage mid December and are still going...
Porter Davis homes
Just wondering if anyone has ever selected the bifold servery window like they have on display in the Astor Grange at Point Cook?
We have and it's been nothing but an…
My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️
I think something has happened with the Gas lines at Bloomdale. We're in stage 16 My builder called yesterday and said the gas point is on the wrong side of…
Porter Davis homes
Hi All, just thought i'd update this. After our SS said he's replace the Galvanised downpipes with Colorbond our BC piped in saying no, single storey lifestyle range homes don't…
Porter Davis homes
Hi Charly,
Thanks my fiancee called our SS this morning and had a go at him about all the things he said would happen this fortnight not happening after we went…
Porter Davis homes
Thanks i'll definitely be drafting them up a big email, not expecting much of a reply though.
That's strange, I thought they'd all be pretty standard build time? This is straight…
Porter Davis homes
Hi all, read a lot but first time posting here but hoping to get some advice. We're building a Vancouver 33 with PD and so far it's been a bit…
Porter Davis homes
We were told we'd get one but he left it at the office and he'd drop it by the week after, guess he forgot!
Porter Davis homes
I might have a solution thanks to my awesome SS, still pending management approval though.
Porter Davis homes
Agreed, I asked about getting my own electrician in to do data cabling, they said no way! Same answer when I asked if i could get holes drilled in the…
Porter Davis homes
Anyone have any issues with Argus for data cabling and any idea how to deal with this? I paid a fortune to get 24 ports ran throughout the house as…
Porter Davis homes
Probably today, they're bloody quick with the invoices! The slab and frame were the only ones that came on time for me, the rest were way early.
Porter Davis homes
I'm sure not all are as slow as ours, probably depends where you're building. I've heard the problems are mostly in the west and I'd be inclined to believe that…
My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️
Hopefully, we're up to 9 and a half months currently and have at least another month or even two to go at the current rate. We're lucky if one thing…
My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️
I'm guessing the supplier should have got it right in the first place but the builder probably could have checked earlier on.
Here's hoping! We're almost 3 months behind at the…
Porter Davis homes
Just thought i'd add another update, 3 months later, 2 and a half months over contract date and we still don't have a date for PCI. We're onto our third…
Porter Davis homes
Hi, that's good to hear as that's my main worry at the moment. Not that I even want compensation as it's not really that much $ and i'd much rather…
Porter Davis homes
Thanks i'll definitely be doing that, I've tried to keep the majority of our communication through email so there's written proof but there's been a few times i've gone a…