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Joined 18 June 2016
Silver Member
3 years3 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Hebel vs Brick Veneer (external walls - new custom double s

Brilliant detailed response from builder above.
I live in a Hebel home.
From a first build home owner perspective
Wind, sound, rain etc are not an issue with Hebel.
It’s got good sound…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Land subsiding - Please Help

[quote= He seems to be suggesting that back filling is my responsibility.
I have been thinking of building again in the next 1-2 years. Your statement has reminded me how much…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Land subsiding - Please Help

Looks like whoever is certifying your build has marked this. I was told that gaps like this allow water to flow unimpeded under the slab so my recollection is they…

  ⋅  2
4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Blending/Hiding Retaining Wall

I think monument or other dark colour is great as then the green will pop as hedge grows over.
When I’ve seen plants growing against Green fences vs dark fences…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Can anyone help identify what type of Ornamental Pear this i

Hey I’d suggest taking the photo to the nursery to be sure.
Could be a ‘capital’ but best to get an expert to confirm from a picture when you visit a…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Build not to plans - advice needed

[quote="Redders" Does the builder have to fix it because it isn’t as contracted?
You may want to see a construction lawyer.
If the engineered retaining wall plans were part of your contract…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Rising Storm Water Pit

If you built the house, do you have a drainage design? It could be that the pit was placed too low.
Can you add some photos? It does sound like…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
squeaky floor joist

It is a structural defect

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Retaining wall assistance required

So glad you’ve been able to get it fixed and have 30 year warranty
It is a beautiful feature wall!

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Retaining wall assistance required

Do you have engineering plans that show the height the retaining wall should be and correct height and design?
It’s a beautiful wall but looks too low to be fit…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Has anyone employed an Independent Inspector mid build?

I would encourage you to get an independent consultant.
Your site supervisor is not a registered builder.
And all looked good to me and then I got a report stating…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Water leakage in new townhouse

If you call your insurance company they might investigate the cause of leak and damage for free and then you can ask builder to fix to code. (My insurance company…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Glass fence over looking backyard

Can you add a photo? A glass boundary fence sounds interesting. Is it a new fence installed by their builder or by the builder of your property to provide light…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
How much did your deck cost? (Deck budget advice needed!)

As above there are so many factors.
It will depend on materials and height off the ground. Does the height off the ground require a building permit? Usually a roof structure…

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Final Occupancy Issue - Landscaping

So sorry
Hope you find a solution that you are happy with soon

4 years4 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Final Occupancy Issue - Landscaping

Do the plans your builder submitted for your building permit show your deck being built to the fence?
Some ideas - You may need to show that by building to…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
What's wrong with these Oranmental Pears?

I have capital ornamental pear trees.
I had mine planted in April in Melbourne a few years ago. That first year I had concerns about a similar issue with…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
What's wrong with these Oranmental Pears?

Do their leaves change color in autumn/winter?
I took leaf to my nursery when I had a concern
They always reassure or sometimes tell me what nutrients are missing from a…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Small garden bed - Tropical Fence Screening

Another question added to above
Did you install root barrier even though non invasive
I’ve read many websites that say to do that for narrow areas anyway?
And if you did not…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Retaining wall agi slopes wrong way

Hey mate
Try VBA plumbing again
They were great when I called them in June.
They left me 1-2 messages and the plumber called me again after hours…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Building with Eden Brae- Rain coming inside the house

If builder refuses to contact you
You could have your insurer come and look.
If they identify build faults they will list them for you and refuse to fix carpets until the…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Your neighbour’s builder

Try emailing the building surveyor and copy in the council and see if they can assist you

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Landscaping or decking

Decking and all hard landscaping like concreting before soft landscaping

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Dishwashing Provision

610 is standard width for a standalone dishwasher, it’s a bit narrower standard width for integrated.
You can check with salesman for dishwasher in store re: depth and heights or online…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Questions to ask builder

Wise advice above.
When you are considering what to include the -things you forget - may be helpful and of interest.
I recommend taking photos of the quality of work you…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
cracks is it major cracks.

I would recommend not paying the final instalment until they fix everything. They likely encouraged you to take the keys and move in due to Christmas.
If you have…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Water Ingression

Refer to consumer Victoria website for more information
Some builders still use quote the 6-7 years. The builder for my house and pergola have both informed me that the warranty…

5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Is a building inspector worth it during construction?

I am in Victoria.
If you know all the standards and can read all the plans and understand all the terminology at the start of a build then might not be…

  ⋅  4
5 years5 yearsGaudiGaudi posted:
Water Ingression

In Victoria the builders warranty period has been extended to 10 years, and would likely include something raised within the 7 years that was not addressed.
I’d suggest you call NSW…

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18 June 2016

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