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202 Posts
Bronze Member

202PostsMost Active Topics


Banksia Grove
Joined 17 August 2010
Bronze Member
13 years13 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

Did Pci today.
still lots for them to do.
Reckons it will be more like 3 weeks instead of 2 :(
Not really anything done wrong, just…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

cupboard fotos :: ::

bits and pieces
bath (bit high??)
cornice removal for wall
cavity slider frames, albeit the wrong size and need…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

yay i have cabinets, very exciting :) i lurve them
dee, i'm yet to figure out the lintels. will email them and ask ;)

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

got my invoice for lock-up, but still missing a window, so not paying quite just yet :::

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

tiz fine kexkez, my hallway is still just over 1.5m wide. prob bit overkill, but wanted a widey ::lol::

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

btw, urs still looks awesome!!!! :: ::
and the cavity sliders are more expensive ::frown::

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

hey v
just thought i'd let u know that we are having cavity sliders into our hall, we have single brick inside. they are doing brick up until a certain…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

was up there today to check out my white walls, ooooohh very exciting. makes the ceiling look higher.
they had delivered the doors, so hopefully will get a front door…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

Thanks Mclaren, will even better when they get the glass in it.

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Zarli's Build ... Some new pics

oh wow, finishing touches are making it awesome, love the pebbles ::lol::
must be a good feeling...so jealous

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

glad it's moving along now ::
were u planning on a big feed??
damn foxes are a nuisance, they seem to be a bigger problem this…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

no fotos to add, but after a month and a half of next to nothing, we have white walls.
not sure if they have fixed the leak in the roof yet,…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:

hey meli,
there are a few of us on here building with kerdels.
we have all had issues, but you will get that with a lot of builders. once we finally…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

yay for the fotos V.
very nice indeed. that ceiling would've looked great in my entry, wish i had have thought of that one.

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

well done V, exciting to be locked out...did they leave any door unlocked??
poor bucket, he has his own fan club now :z:

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

hey thirsty, sent them an email and asked bout the bricks and excess yellow sand and they said it's fine to keep. yay will def find uses for it.

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

thanks dee,
yeah i like the airy feel to it ::lol::
dogs absolutly love it. one's getting old now and has a bit of a…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

we have most windows, though it has been like this for about 2 weeks, think they are confused about a few things ::dizzy::
the missing…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Building in Aubin Grove, WA

glad to hear that they have actually finished your build, but not that it took so long.
now you can sit back and enjoy ur new home.

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

Looking great V, betcha glad it's all starting moving along again.
Poor bucket has to get used to being locked up now. :(
i like your roof colour,…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

yay for bucket!!!! :z:
yay u got ur roof, and a very purty one at that. hang in there, it is a trying time for…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

:z: :z:
we have plumbing pipes in and some electrical bits in too.
also septic is finally in!!!!! took him…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Dee's Build by the beach... Finally!

:: :: ::celeb:: ::celeb::
yay, that's great!!!
hope the rain doesn't slow…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

loved your fotos, so hope your roof goes on next week.
like ur tap ::lol:: , i have roof but no tap, so we are about…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

scaffolding and spare bricks....do they take their spare bricks back?? coz i could quite happily use them
was even impressed by the barn look inside :D

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

Went up to see the block today and nearly died of shock, we have a roof, and gutters. yay!! :z: :z:

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Velouria's Build - Moved in pics

love ur lambs, give 'em a big hug for me. would be good if they stayed that small for eva.
nothing more frustrating than a slow build, how dare they…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

just looked up my plans and it says, 1570mm. we wanted it wide, 1) coz it's quite long and 2) i like the wider halls. ::lol::

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Dee's Build by the beach... Finally!

that's awesome. yay for piccies!! :z: :z:
yay for your brickies coming back, think it was coz they finished mine…

14 years14 yearsgabbybuild10gabbybuild10 posted:
Gabbybuild - PCI done

roofing bits

kids in the hall
laundry/linen cupboard

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