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49 Posts
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Joined 21 July 2015
Junior Member
9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

they told me to water it as well. we tried watering it frequently as we can even we've not move in yet. the supplier laid the turf two weeks…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

Happy New Year All!
Just an advise/ opinion, if you still can, don't have Kurrajong do your landscaping. Their supplier's quality of work is a stress source. I am…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

Lily, yes we've already moved in. Yesterday was our 3rd week here, been very busy unpacking. Had a couple of issues with the landscaper that Kurrajong got to…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc thanks for sharing...i will have to talk to this NAB CSR and verify their changing policies haha

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

what a nice surprise lily! its progressing very fast!
we received our Interim OC from the council yesterday and the lender now is asking what are the remaining works for the…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc our north elevation is BAL 40 rated. i was hoping for interim oc this week but did not happen :(

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc, not kidding :( another is the BAL rated screen for our front door. we're pushing for mid-next week handover, so hopefully all works needed…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@lily if your land is BAL rated, make sure that the brick weep holes/ vents are compliant to that of the land's BAL rating.
This is one of the items holding…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@euanmarie, we had a similar issue with our driveway as well, the water meters are in front of the driveway, we ended with one and a half driveway for a…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

wow! congratulations @madsmc!
our pci is on Friday, I hope they can do the driveway before the rain on Thursday. one of these days, we'll introduce ourselves - the "not…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc almost there! did you get a Property Inspection Specialist to do the inspection with you? we're planning to get one for next week, not really sure the value-add…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

all, i really need to figure out how to attach pictures. I wanted to share some pictures to you.

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc, all the best for today! we were notified that our practical completion is Sept 17 and inspection would follow pending Grant availability. I wonder who is Grant?…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

i did a research on rainfall measurements this year, found the nearest weather station in Penrtih thru the BOM website (link below), good way to verify extension letters and dates…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@euanmarie its a bit weird to have the same letter for the same work as they only have one supplier for landscape & driveway

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc wow...its surprising that the info came from the supplier, not from Kurrajong. So will that delay the final inspection again?

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

received another extension letter due to inclement weather on Aug24-26 for landscaping and driveway, too wet & muddy to proceed. anybody got the same reason for those dates?
its funny that…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc i understand how you feel, we're also getting frustrated with the progress of our build.
i passed by our build this lunch time and saw two huge pile of dirt…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc i am sure everything will be spot clean before your final inspection. is your driveway done now? we were advised that we are currently fourth in the…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@Lily hooray for the slab!
i am looking forward to the next extension of time letter with all these rain. we have the driveway & landscape starting today in co-construct.

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

yes, they can extend beyond 22 weeks as per clause 9 of the contract. its always been inclement weather for landscape/driveway/bricks/frame.

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

they would always say they are within the contract agreement. for us it was 22weeks, does not include extension times & one month for building prep after all documents…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc that's good news! its always good to have the practical completion date.
we had an inspection with Greg last tuesday and he could not give us a practical completion date…

9 years9 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc, do you have you Occupation Certificate already? Our lender requires the OC for the final claim release of funds. I am wondering if thats the same case for…

10 years10 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@euanmarie, we were discussing this last week and i mentioned that I want to see the work done first before forwarding my claim to my lender and I was advised…

10 years10 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

wow! good news @madsmc...does that mean you're moving on next week already?

10 years10 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

i hope i saw the correct lot :D yup, Mark suggested bamboo floor and we did not pay extra to have it as an upgrade…

10 years10 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

@madsmc, i visited during my lunch break today and was surprised to see out bamboo floor already installed. and if i am not mistaken, i think i saw some landscape/driveway…

10 years10 yearsfpd7fpd7 posted:
Who is building with Kurrajong Homes?

i have not received any response from greg/wendy re: interim certificate. i will have an inspection mtg with greg next tuesday, will get his thoughts personally :)

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