Consume within 5 days ?
Mount in concrete and get a home inspection report done.. That will fix it
Plain concrete marks
You could just seal it and that might get rid of it if you get a dark colour
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?
You sound like a lovely neighbour. couple of sent letters and you taking people to court for $2k and they haven't even started building yet. lol
Take a chill…
Integrale Homes - Won't honour Price Freeze or refund
If I was you I would walk away and cop the $3,500 on the chin and learn from it! Why would you stay and give them your business now knowing…
Fowler Homes Dump Soil on my Block of Land
its not "Fowler" that done the dump. The tradies would have done it, depending if the site supervisor was there which i doubt and it would have got removed when…
Home builders Sydney.
Cant Complain with the build we had. We built the Haven 30 and love it! Fowler were great to deal with and the Site supervisor was amazing (Mick).
That's my review…
Building with FOWLER HOMES in Sydney/ NSW!!!
Cant Complain with the build we had. We built the Haven 30 and love it! Fowler were great to deal with and the Site supervisor was amazing (Mick).
Retaining Wall doesnt look right
WOW... I would not be happy with that at all. For a news house that takes away ANY appeal that a new house would have..
Electrician poor workmanship and property damage
wow. What a mistake... Man
NBN “Not” Ready
Oh Man
Keen to see how this pans out, please keep us updated.
Is it a 2 story house of Single?
HIA contract issue with bank
we have the same clause in our contract but we got Interim Occupancy Certificate from the builder and we get final after we do driveway and landscaping. Had no trouble…
Concrete question
WTF is this? My 6 year old I am sure could do better! Fark me!!!
Cost to install extra gas connection?
We got charged $150 with our builder
Hi All,
As title says. I have PCU coming up on the 4th June and my site supervisor has advised he has done his "Supervisor PCI" and marked out all…
Different types/levels/tiers of building companies
I just had a stroke reading this!
(VIC) Help understanding letter from a future neighbour
Just remember the brick wall will be the garage wall and usually a zero boundary has a space of 180mm so hanging anything or touching drilling the wall would be…
King Homes
There are a few topics on here and facebook, they look to have good reviews - the wife of the owner has an Instagram - builderswife and shares builds…
Home builders Sydney.
We are using Fowler homes and are very happy with the build. They have great designs. We are building the Haven 30
Meter box location
What the fark does a curtain have to do with a meter box location?
Construction loan with 88% LVR
Try any of the big 4... Have you paid LMI on your land? if so then you will lose that and need to re pay at a new lender -…
Construction loan with 88% LVR
Get your agent to submit your application but NOT through there system. They must have a BDM that can help with it getting submitted. If its that tough I would…
neighbour's camera or motion sensor?
It could be an infra-red camera disguised as an alarm strobe. I have seen these around to fool people but in fact the are watching you cook your Steak and…
Low valuation on a new built please help
This, Take it and use, good solid opinion!
Building with Inspired Homes/Como/Evolveliving/Oakliving?
Run, Get out now with a small cashflow loss and look for another builder. listen to feedback from real customers as is pointed out on this site.
Otherwise be prepared…