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Joined 31 March 2010
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Liberty 45 in Ryde NSW

Landscaping looks amazing. Can’t believe you’re still waiting on IOC.

  ⋅  2
6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

Hey Doulton if you don’t mind me asking how much are you expecting for your curtains (just the sheets and block outs not the shutters) to cost?

6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

Great pics. Your twins must have been happy you had the new house to throw the party in.

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Our Custom Hamptons Inspired Home - We are in!!!

Some people just don’t question things. Happens in all industries I reckon.

6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Our Custom Hamptons Inspired Home - We are in!!!

Is your tiler colour blind?

  ⋅  5
6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Our Custom Hamptons Inspired Home - We are in!!!

Looks amazing!! You must be excited for handover. I know I am. Mines tomorrow!!

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

Does anyone know with the lintels above the window if they should cover all of the underside of the brick?

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Liberty 45 in Ryde NSW

Wow. When I hear all the problems those building in metricon have in Sydney I feel so bad for you guys. My bank won’t actually release the final payment without…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

Hmm. We got our doors on promo. Wonder if we can apply a special film to it later. Otherwise it may be ok since we have curtains anyway. Had to…

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

We missed a big piece of glass in our double glazing. The stacker doors.... 🤦🏻‍♀️ not a window so wasn’t double glazed.

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Winchester 28- Landscaping

House looks nice. Ours went up quick too. Started January, the day before Australia Day, should hopefully be having handover in a couple of weeks.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

Nice what did you use?
I need to frost my bathroom window because I stupidly took the obscure glass out of my contract. M accidentally ordered obscure for 2/3 by accident…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

Yes my stoves, one rangehood and oven have already been installed. Still another rangehood and oven to install. My PCI is on Friday. I wonder if maybe you have the…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Winchester 28- Landscaping

Paul’s ice coffee isn’t sold outside of the Northern Territory. I miss it sooo much!!! Freeze it and then hand carry them on the plane to Melbourne so you have…

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Winchester 28- Landscaping

Ahh sorry was scrolling through and thought I saw someone mention NT.
Lucky. That’s like me. Getting some hafele stuff through my nephew like my soft close for cupboards. Such…

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Winchester 28- Landscaping

Nice place blackcat. Did you buy these yourself? If so do you mind sharing? I need to get a few.
Did you also say you’re in the NT but moving…

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

I figured. Hopefully they fix it before customer presentation but I’m definitely gonna be testing the remote control on Friday!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

Yep my site manager loves peeling the stuff off and let us do one too on our stacker door. Luckily we have no render.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

Hey Doulton is there a gap under your garage door? I can fit my hand under mine. Just wondering if it’s normal or something I should call put at…

New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Metricon Liberty 45 in Ryde NSW

Landscaping looks great. Congrats on finally getting to the end.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

For those who have already gotten the keys to their houses how long after customer presentation was handover?

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

I wish our SM shared more than just initials. Ours is not bad but he’s not as good as yours.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

How long have people had to wait between customer presentation and handover? And how many issues were there that made it go for that long?
We need to give or carpet…

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

I always say it’s run by toddlers. Today this way, tomorrow that way.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

Who knows how close we are to handover... I suppose it depends on our walkthrough. We are one of like 5 houses he has close to handover at the moment…

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

That’s so nice. My SM is on leave from now until 3 days before my customer presentation which is a pain because now we can’t make sure certain things are…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

Looks like plastic phew

Building with Metricon
7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

and I can’t even ask my inspector cause he left the company.

7 years7 yearsemmyawardsemmyawards posted:
Building with Metricon

I did have a private inspector but I don’t know if they went around shaking pipes!!

Joined homeone
31 March 2010

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