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8 years8 yearselanorsunstar posted:
Structural Engineer..Details, Photos,Help Needed, Q&A?
Structural Engineer..Details, Photos,Help Needed, Q&A?
Hi StructuralBIMGuy, do you have a rough ball park range of how much the builder can typically save by doing this?
8 years8 yearselanorsunstar posted:
Structural Engineer..Details, Photos,Help Needed, Q&A?
Structural Engineer..Details, Photos,Help Needed, Q&A?
Thanks for the reply StructuralBIMGuy!
Our engineer's designs were submitted for approval.
We weren't notified at all. Our own structural engineer was never contacted, no variation plans from his engineer ever seen.…
8 years8 yearselanorsunstar posted:
Structural Engineer..Details, Photos,Help Needed, Q&A?
Structural Engineer..Details, Photos,Help Needed, Q&A?
Help! I live in NSW and just recently found out from my structural engineer that my builder hasn't been following with the structural engineering design. The builder replaced two steel…
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18 September 2016