8 years8 yearsdaniiiurb90 posted:
My build with HomeBuyers Centre - Willow 25, Arcadia, Office
My build with HomeBuyers Centre - Willow 25, Arcadia, Office
We also bought stage 14 in Arcadia! I'm dreading the wait 😣
8 years8 yearsCorgilover posted:
My build with HomeBuyers Centre - Willow 25, Arcadia, Office
My build with HomeBuyers Centre - Willow 25, Arcadia, Office
We are building willow25 in Pakenham! Title keeps getting pushed back though. Was supposed to be May/June then August now down for September.
we did similar upgrades -
extended garage to make…
8 years8 yearsAtherbogan posted:
Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?
Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?
oh yes the willow is amazing, i fall in love with my house everytime i visit. i cant wait to get the keys , 5 weeks and counting.
yeah the…