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Joined 5 August 2018
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Building with Metricon
8648 Posts
2 years2 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
No Occupancy Certificate !!BCA requirement for weep holes

Is the structure rendered and painted? Under those circumstances, in some cases weepholes can be null and void.
Hundreds of thousands of houses exist without issue having no weepholes.…

3 years3 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Mortar Defects

It could be the acid used to clean the brick has sat at the base.
Put a bead of silicon around base to reduce further erosion.

3 years3 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Appreciate your comments on the quality of this brickwork (p

Each state nominates 20mm as maximum size

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Hollow bricks fine to use for double RBV?

Insulation should stop heating the brick, but if you don't have double glazing the energy efficiency is incredibly diminished.
You can get double brick fully insulated (common in England) which would…

Hollow bricks fine to use for double RBV?
4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Double Storey Too Hot Upstairs

Unless you have double glazing, nothing will be high performance. Glass is the largest transfer of energy in and out of a building.
You may have no insulation upstairs in the…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:

If you asked if you can cancel your contract then you dont know what is in your contract 😺

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Council approval - new shed

A shed building contractor should be able to sort this out for you.
Unfortunately, because everyone is so litigious in contemporary Australia, this is the cost it has brought.

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:

I need suggestion and advise
My contract was signed in December 2020 and building construction was started in Jan 2021, so far builder is still stuck on the ground floor structure…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Brick Mortar Defect

Unfortunately there are a multitude of variables that can be at play.
While cement companies have sought industrial waste to adulterate their products in an attempt to make them cheaper, acids…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Brickwork Vertical align in joint

When using a private inspector just be careful you are not dragged into a defamation case with a contractor instigated by your private inspector for writing defamatory reports.
I had a…

7 years7 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Paint Peeling - Plaster too soft?

There is nothing a plasterer can add that leaches through to weaken plaster.
Residual water in plaster when painted even with sealing destroys plaster.
Painters do water down paint beyond what might…

7 years7 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Paint Peeling - Plaster too soft?

Dulux sealer should penertrate in.
Some people are watering down sealers or not sealing properly, sometimes not at all but telling the customer.
Ive even heard of painters putting cheap paint…

29 d29 dDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Building with Metricon

This is a shocking diagram by NCC as the minimum number of courses over a lintel is 3 courses.
The creator should use CAD notation to imply so HTH

3 years3 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Our Place - Meadow Springs, HGWA

Having a builder inspector is an excellent idea.
Often a builder will allow the bricklayer to cut corners which is faster for a lower price to the builder.
The builder can no…

3 years3 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Appreciate your comments on the quality of this brickwork (p

Trying to compare brick pricing at a unit rate is fraught with problems.
There are numerous variables at play.
A builder charges you a nominal rate, then pays the bricklayer an actual…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Hollow bricks fine to use for double RBV?

Get your thermal efficiency promises on paper. There's aluminum siding salesmen everywhere today. In some cases trying to sell products that only need low skill labour.

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Build Inspection on every stage - worth it and which stages?

Priority should be compaction and concrete specification compliance before, and a building perimeter compaction test / certificate after the roof goes on. Quite often the soil compaction is compromised by…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Do your upstair walls of double storey homes make noises?

It sounds like steel stud, or timber stud walls are creaking. This is a common problem with non masonry buildings
Also steel roofs often creak. Its all about rapid expansion…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Lime based plaster

If using hydraulic lime, mix at 2 sharp sand, 1 lime.

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Paint Peeling - Plaster too soft?

Moisture content can effect PH test results

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Paint Peeling - Plaster too soft?

Builders are directing painters to paint wet walls.
Sealing in the moisture does not allow the plaster to harden.
Unfortunately there was a campaign to discredit traditional hardwall plaster that has proved…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:

Seeking your own trades has invariable consequences in workmanship liable.
Its often an outage by the builder of their obligations.
Unfortunately some builders under quote their jobs then stuck with their price…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:

You can't contract yourself out of law. If the contract breaches the law then the builder is in hotwater. Otherwise, what's the point of a contract.
Some industry association…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Brick Mortar Defect

When brick cleaners use high pressure they can strip the matrix out of the aggregate.
This may be the case or the acid has burned some the ingredients in the…

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Brick mortar seems sandy - test options?

Some brick cleaners use incredibly strong acid and high pressure which carries on residual degradation of the mortar.
Brick cleaners are also supposed to neutralise the acid with acid neutraliser application.

4 years4 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Brickwork Vertical align in joint

When using a private inspector just be careful you are not dragged into a defamation case with a contractor instigated by your private inspector.
I had a call from a lady…

7 years7 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Paint Peeling - Plaster too soft?

Painting wet walls has been rife in the past 6 years.
An example is, if you get a leak in a shower, it destroys the plaster.

7 years7 yearsDoughboyDoughboy posted:
Paint Peeling - Plaster too soft?

The reason wet areas have to be waterproofed is moisture ingress via capillary action through the walls destroys the plaster on the back eg. the shower.
You all know a leaky…

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