Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
We ended up paving the driveway, which I couldn't be happier with the job. They did a really nice tight pave which looks fantastic to boot. As for the cost…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Sorry folks, I have been a bit slack with the photos etc.
It's been a big couple of months, with us going over to Phuket and getting married. Just got back…
Builder next door using our water???
Agree 100%
Far too much of this sort of stuff going on these days! I know from first hand expirience that life next to a neighbour who you dont get along…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Aww that's very cute! Please tell them that he eventually came home (5 days later!) but thank you very much for checking out the flyer
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Sorry for the time between posts!! as you can imagine it's been fairly busy
Here is a bit of a run down on where…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
SO... after a few issues with ther getting the retaining wall done (some that couldn't be helped, and some that could! ) the…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Hey gossipgirl,
I'm not 100% sure about all the differences of the 3 phase elec either. From what I understand though, it's more efficient at distributing power.
We didn't specifically ask for…
Garage on boundary
brick venneer here also. But as we cut down below the joining land and werent sure of their levels, the builder put in a concrete upstand.
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
haha nah we haven't even got onto the fencing discussion yet!
the pre-handover meeting was VERY quick and easy. Probably because the SS and I chat fairly regularly and we have…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Spot on! But it's just gotten much, MUCH worse with them. Giving permission to do something and then say nah, you didn't have it in writing. The whole situation is…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Thanks, but I must have forgotten to update the handover date. Were all booked in for the 9/9 (next Thurs)
Had our pre-handover meeting yesterday which went really well with only…
Concrete or Pave
Thanks pottsville - I'm just surprised, as I have not seen posts go unanswered too often
Thanks for your feedback, appreciate the reply. Nice to know…
Building with Dechellis in 2010
Amazing floors! if ours look even 1/4 as good as them I will be a happy camper!
Your paving is also very nice. You have done a great job with choosing…
Concrete or Pave
Hi all - Were trying to decide the whole concrete vs pave situation and I'm hoping someone with a bit more knowledge than I can help me out with this...
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
So we managed to get up to the house just as the painters were leaving for the day, so I took the opportunity to get in and take some photo's…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Thanks for the compliments
We are very happy with the plan and the changes we have made. Come out really well
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
So it's probably not enough to suffice on the photo front, but it will have to do for a little while
We have…
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Hey all!
Has been a while between posts
Bit of an update on how things are progressing.
- Painters are in and working their way through…
Building with Dechellis in 2010
Congratulations on your new home!!!!
Enjoy your first night in YOUR house!
Building in SA!
I hate packing... done it enough times to last 3 lifetimes!!!
We are due for handover in a month and we have only…
Building with Dechellis in 2010
Thanks for the info on the edge of the outdoor tiling. Tha's the same as ours. Will have to go and paint it later if it bothers me!
Love the look…
Building with Dechellis in 2010
Great choice! looks lovely!
Are you tilling the rest of the floors, or carpet everywhere?
Also - when your…
Builder has damaged neighbours property but wont pay
Spot on Lee75 - on both counts...
But that being said about the responsibility of retaining, unless it's in your engineers report that you need to retain, then it's the builders…
Building with Dechellis in 2010
Place is looking fantastic!
Aisle 47 - I'm there tonight
Thanks for the heads up!
Building with Dechellis at Flag Staff Pines, SA
Hey gossipgirl!
future neighbour? where abouts in Flagstaff pines are you building? or are you litterally our neighbour?
Your welcome to the hamper idea, and…