Porter Davis homes
For anyone interested in how quick Porter Davis are to resolve issues in the house once you take ownership - I'll have been in the house for 1yr on Thursday…
Porter Davis homes
Not sure why my previous response was blank - sorry about that.
Yes, it is bad being made to wait. Funny how they gave me only 7 days to make payments,…
Porter Davis homes
Anyone else got squeaky floorboards?
We had our 3 month inspection and pointed them out only to be told that they wouldn't fix them till the house is 18 months old.
Meter Boxes
Does anyone have photo's of the inside of their meter boxes or links to any photo's?
Mine's a bit messy and I want to see if the electrical layout is similar…
Gap under front door
Looking at the photos though, it may have to be option 3 with the external Raven seal.
We don't have space for option 1 and although option 2 would have been…
Gap under front door
Yes, I've raised the issue with the builder, but am yet to hear anything back from them. Was even told at the 3 month inspection that this is how it's…
Gap under front door
Trip hazard? I've walked over doors with a raised lip for 38yrs or more and can't ever remember tripping over one. This is the first door I've ever had that…
Porter Davis homes
Yep, north facing and nothing in front of us to break the wind.
Surprised PD don't take the location, orientation and surroundings in to account when building a home to stop…
Porter Davis homes
Oh, you can hear it. When I sent it to the new home team they told me they couldn't hear anything. Selective hearing maybe.
Here's the wind issue with the front…
Gap under front door
We have a problem with wind getting in to the house due to the fact that there's a gap under the front door and just wondered if anyone else had…
Porter Davis homes
Another sleepless night in our new Porter Davis home. Attached is a video showing the wind noise in the master bedroom that comes through our supposedly sealed double glazed windows…
Porter Davis homes
We had A&L out again today, must be the 5th time and this was the first guy I would say was thorough and competent. He physically removed the window from…
Porter Davis homes
All of our windows are awning windows as we selected double glazing for the whole house. Porter Davis however, made some of them fixed i.e. non-openable. As A&L's fixed windows…
Porter Davis homes
3 months after moving in an A&L still haven't fixed our window problems. Really disgusted at the fact that after each visit (where they don't resolve the issue), you are…
Porter Davis homes
Yes, we initially had the same problem, but you can move the upper basket up. The problem then is that it makes that space for glasses and cups smaller. You…
Porter Davis homes
Hi Luinel, as I said in my blog to your two posts brick to the first floor was a standard inclusion with my build - but we did sign the…
Porter Davis homes
So after the home theatre room ceiling leaking water a few weeks ago, it was identified that there was a rip in the DPC and last weekend a brickie came…
Porter Davis homes
Haha, have you read my blog?
Might be worth a read start to end if you're building with Porter Davis.
Porter Davis homes
That's also assuming everything goes to plan.
We were 8 months behind the contract date by the time we got to handover.
Porter Davis homes
Seeing as Porter Davis are taking forever to resolve the issues with my house now that we've moved in (4 weeks for a carpenter, 3 weeks for A&L etc), it's…
Porter Davis homes
We've got the same problem, but have only been in 6 weeks.
From the contract it states;
"3 coat paint system of Wattyl Low Sheen Washable Velvet to internal walls"
Wattyl themselves states…
Porter Davis homes
After 5 weeks in our house Porter Davis have today removed the home theatre ceiling to try and find the source of a leak that causes the home theatre ceiling…
Damage by next doors builder
Spoken to main office and their site supervisor. Not sure what it would have to do with mine as we've handed over and it's not his problem in any way.
Damage by next doors builder
Henley are building next door to us and in the process of laying their slab they completely covered our nice new brickwork with splatters of concrete. After a month they've…
Home Networking Issues
Thanks for the suggestion, but I hadn't planned it that way when I determined the number of ports, so only went for 1 in each room, so no way of…
Home Networking Issues
Just got around to getting my Opticomm connection and internet connected and have set about getting the home network setup only to discover it's nearly impossible the way it's been…
Porter Davis homes
Had Opticomm out today to do the FTTH install only to find out that Porter Davis haven't installed the underground trunking to pass the cable from the street to the…
Heating/Cooling return cavity
Not sure on the plenum box.
I'm annoyed because it's such a massive space that seems wasted, the floor is covered in bird poo which is visible through the filter material…
Heating/Cooling return cavity
Hey guys,
What are your cavities like behind the door?
I opened mine the other day for a quick look as I've just taken ownership of the house and was surprised at…