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Joined 24 September 2010
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13 years13 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Stairs in non habitable rooms

TMO, refer to this previous thread http://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=49335

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Stormwater sleeve issue

Have you asked the builder if they did install it? Was it noted on the drawings and specification?

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Weird, weird behaviour of water pipes !

If it has been raining it may simply be ground water tracking back into the hole.
To test if it is groud water or a busted water pipe check if your…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Slab details confusion

Aiah, We can only comment on the information presented above. IF the contract drawings and the engineers drawing have defined a level AND a cut and fill was included in…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Slab details confusion

have you signed the contract yet...are you currently building...or are you discussing the details withe the builder.
If the engineering drawings were provided the builder should not be making changes, also…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
just excited -We just picked up the keys!!!!!!!!

How big is the shower..
Plus the tap and mixer dont have to align because the rail of the shower head is offset from the outlet.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Chuq's custom 5br courtyard house (7/3 roof on!)

Wow what a view. Those mountain will change their character all day long. Your music room will be the best room in the house.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Anyone else modelling these house in google sketchup?

Here is my old house i created in Sketch-up. It is loaded onto Google Earth for the world to see.
And here is the finished product.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Anyone else modelling these house in google sketchup?

I just want to make one simple point.
Do not let the abilities of the operator or the limitations of the draughting "tool" control or limit the potential of the…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
rendering facade after handover is possible?

Sure, if you are undertaking other jobs post hand over, the render(and then painting) is simple to arrange. Because the house will be finish the quotes will be very clear…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Standard (minimum) width of stairs

Ok, dont quote me but i think the minimum is 630mm.
I will check tomorrow.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Bushfire risk assessment report

Wow, Im surprised the council would accept a bushfire report undertaken by a NON accredited / insured person.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Standard (minimum) width of stairs

Architect, the minimum width is not in the BCA. You have to refer to the Aust. Standards.
Sounds crazy they cover most other items but not the clear width. (Unless its…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
just excited -We just picked up the keys!!!!!!!!

luvlee79, sounds like everything is going smoothly for you. Are all the tradies nice guys.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Ashkate's WCH - The deck is here!!!

Ok, im no expert but how far below the road storm water level are you.
If its a couple of hundred mills this may work.
If all your roof storm water was…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Ashkate's WCH - The deck is here!!!

What does the $12K pay for?
I would expect a really nice pump station ::

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Allworth Homes tender dates. Have you met the deadline?

Once the plans are approved, what period has the builder advised prior to breaking soil.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Building garage

To help other help you, how about metioning where you live and the local council.
Also have to talked to the shed suppliers as they generally have a good idea of…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Chuq's custom 5br courtyard house (7/3 roof on!)

Chuq, look forward to see some photos.
Hope it all runs smoothly for you.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Allworth Homes tender dates. Have you met the deadline?

Further to my comments above, how long is the tender periorand what steps does it involve, when does it start and what triggers its completion?
Also why is it called tender…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Allworth Homes tender dates. Have you met the deadline?

Why not submit to the builder in writing they have caused the 1 week tender date delay due to their error and have them adjust or waive the deadline penalty.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Building in Corimbia Estate, WA-electrical plan help please!

I like this plan a lot. :z:
Especially like the seperate WIR so the ladies clothes dont take over the mans side, at least not…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Ashkate's WCH - The deck is here!!!

It good to hear that your build is moving forward…but I just want to make a couple of minor changes for you to consider.
1. Bed 1. I have a concern the…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Plan Software

Two option.
1. Sketch up. which is free on the internet, but will take time to learn and understand.
2. Piece of paper, ruler, a pencil and some pens...plus all your ideas.…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Whirligig - cost??

Phone your local B#### hardware store and ask.
Easy to install yourself if you have the tool, otherwise call around for competitave prices.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Whirligig - cost??

You could consider a ventilated skylight. This way you get light and ventilation. It is also sealed from the vent to the room. A whirlygig usually doesnt have a connecting…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Soundproofing walls

When you soundproof the room dont forget to use a solid core door and seals, otherwise the sound will still get in.

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Split level Vs Big Retaining wall

Ok, i have to asume the block slopes up from the road.
What have the two houses on either side done (if they have been built.)
If the overall slope is…

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
just excited -We just picked up the keys!!!!!!!!

The final plans looks very good. From here it will be finished before you know it. :z:

14 years14 yearsdavid242gtdavid242gt posted:
Split level Vs Big Retaining wall

This decision i think has to be based on more than just cost.
Which system suites the land and your needs better.
Retaining wall. Will it be at the rear of the…

Joined homeone
24 September 2010

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