Arden Developments
MF was always good with taking problems onboard and fixing them. I just recently got a new SS though NM. He's new to Arden. Seems good but time will tell.

Arden Developments
You are right there! Not many fridges fit in a 900x600 cavity these days!
My electrical plan has cost around 10k but it includes data cables to all rooms and multiple…

Arden Developments
Finally someone else building a Mercer! haha
Here's ours if you need any inspiration

Arden Developments
For me personally, I'm going to have all my appliances like kettles and toasters etc in the butler's pantry. Having a sink will make it easy to fill a kettle…

Arden Developments
My build update since I haven't posted any pics for a while.

Arden Developments
I will go back and check my paperwork. I could be telling ****** about the price. Spent so much now it's all just a blur

Arden Developments
Not as standard. I have asked for sound insulation to be added between the floors.

Arden Developments
Oh I see haha. If you're on site when the chippys are there then just get them to put a nogging in at the right height. It's about $2 worth…

Arden Developments
I'll find out today if mine has started when I go and have a look. Will let you know.

Arden Developments
And here I am nearly 4 weeks later, 5km away from you with no timber

Arden Developments
My NM reckons he's only just started a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully not the same person.

Arden Developments
Slow, but it's coming together slowly. Bricks are about to start today I believe.

Arden Developments
It was $1700 including heaps of walls upstairs to block noise between bedrooms. I'd say the theatre wouldn't be much more than $500 on its own.

Arden Developments
Nothing going on at the moment due to my SS being on leave until next week. Have gutters but no roof.

Arden Developments
Probably, I'm not a builder. Was just stating what I know to try and help.

Arden Developments
It's meant to protect the frame from moisture and allow moisture to escape from the frame. It's allows moisture through it in one direction.
Ardens seems to be one of the…

Arden Developments
I've added them and they don't add any fall to the waste.

Arden Developments
I just checked and I paid $2600 for R3.0 soundscreen to the ground floor ceiling and $1600 for R2.5 soundscreen to bedroom walls upstairs and theatre walls downstairs.

Arden Developments
Was just over a grand from memory. I did certain walls in the house too.

Arden Developments
I know I'm guilty of only leaving reviews for company's when I've had a bad experience and I think that's similar for builders.
My experience with Arden so far has…

Arden Developments
Yeah just buy a stud finder at Bunnings and attached it to the studs

Arden Developments
I find the best thing is to be proactive. I ring my SS at least once a week.

Arden Developments
The timeline seems to tell me that I'm waiting for your chippies to finish yours. Get down there and tell them to sort themselves out

Arden Developments
Monday apparently. The fascade we have chosen is apparently a bit complex for a prefab frame so that could have something to do with it.

Arden Developments
Yeah the alfresco, porch, garage are almost always stepped down for drainage reason. It also also you to deck or pave the alfresco etc. It should show a step down…