8 years8 yearsdantab posted:
Soil preparation for Empire Zoysia
Soil preparation for Empire Zoysia
The previous owner said the old pool was all smashed up before they filled in the area so I don't think the pool is the main source of the problem.
8 years8 yearsdantab posted:
Soil preparation for Empire Zoysia
Soil preparation for Empire Zoysia
Hi All
An update and a request for help!
Last weekend we removed about 200mm - 250mm of soil. After this, the bobcat cut into the remaining soil (which was very compacted)…
8 years8 yearsdantab posted:
Shade tolerant hedge
Shade tolerant hedge
I want to grow a hedge, approximately 1 metre high, in a heavily shaded area in front of a window. https://flic.kr/p/SW8CPV
Can you recommend a suitable…
8 years8 yearsdantab posted:
Soil preparation for Empire Zoysia
Soil preparation for Empire Zoysia
Hi All
We had 120sqm of Empire Zoysia laid on the weekend.
Our landscaper said our soil was good so we didn't do any soil preparation other than leveling the area.…
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13 March 2017