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Joined 9 July 2011
Silver Member
10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:

They smell with their tongue.

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Carpet VS Timber floorboards in bedrooms

No carpets - especially in the bedroom. Too much degassing of chemicals going on with wall-to-wall carpeting and most other carpets, unless they have no underlay and are pure wool.…

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
PM Spam

Danke, mach ich :)
Will be over before Christmas, though, which will be nice.

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
PM Spam

I'm sharing my time between Oz and Europe at the moment. Right now, I'm in Germany.

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
PM Spam

That too!

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
PM Spam

LOL, yeah, I deleted it myself (after reporting it). I especially liked how we had so much in common after reading my profile, where I have absolutely nothing stated.

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Tiny home on foundation, strawbale 55sqm. Floorplan.

Ah, good. I look forward to see it too!

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Tiny home on foundation, strawbale 55sqm. Floorplan.

Just a thought, and I apologise that I have not been able to draw something (I don't have an app of any sort) have you considered having a single "gothic"…

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Ensuite design question

A couple of things springs to mind. I personally don't like bathtubs, if space is not plentyful, so I'd personally get rid of it entirely, or at least combine them.…

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Pros & Cons of Bathroom Basins

I think you should do whatever takes your fancy. I am myself partial to "exmar" or concrete for wash basins.
As for space, I think that a table top basin…

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Clear glazing door the same as "crystal clear" see-through??

No problem, glad I could help :)

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Clear glazing door the same as "crystal clear" see-through??

No problem, and yes, you're right. But the second one is the one used in "his eyes glazed over", or as putting glazing on a cake. The first one…

10 years10 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Clear glazing door the same as "crystal clear" see-through??

"clear" glazing is just that: It is clear. The "glazing" is what you call glass in a window/door.

11 years11 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Whats your Biggest hate in New building plans

Well, he did say he wanted a house to fit a triangular piece of land and wanted it to not waste any real estate.
On second read, he actually stated out-right…

11 years11 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Whats your Biggest hate in New building plans

Do you seriously want to live in a triangular house?

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
FC sheet infills above windows and sliding doors

I'm reminded of grey council buildings from the late 70s and early '80s, but that's probably a bit unfair.

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Laundry Cabinetry

Thanks, but I think you will find it's 1rocky you need to thank for that idea :D

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Colorbond or tiles?

With tiles, there's not as much heat to shed at night, because it doesn't radiate as much heat inwards to begin with. a good solution is insulation and plenty of…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Colorbond or tiles?

As the other poster, colourbond reminds me of sheds and watertanks. But now and again, something with colourbond turns out great:
http://www.domain.com.au/Property/For-S ... 2010482769
It's a Glen Murcutt…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
To render or not to render the house before selling?

But, but, but, it comes with a cross! Who doesn't like religious advertising like that? ::wink::

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Paving or Decking

Is it legal in Australia (NSW and Vic in particular) to use one of those gas weed burners to singe the weed? Obviously, i mean when there isn't a total…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:

I don't think you should spend 5k upgrading a measly 100-110mm. You're over 2500mm which would be worth the upgrade (i.e. from 2400-2500mm) but I doubt you will feel much…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Plumbing behind fridge - affect the depth?

I don't get why anyone would be hard-plumbing anything these days, and why anyone would use copper pipes and not pex, for that matter.

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Plumbing behind fridge - affect the depth?

LOL, way higher standards than Europe in both plumming and electricity? You must be kidding. Not that I haven't seen houses wired really badly in the UK, Denmark,…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Prices for concrete????

That's quite a variation in price!

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Kitchen lighting, what do I need?

You can't use the island lights to light up the cooktop area since when you're standing there in front of the cooktop you will cast shadows. That's not good for…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
C band sattelite dish and my home value

I'd remove it and then tell prospective buyers you do have a satellite dish you can put up if they want it. Seems like that would cater to both types…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Advice on these led lights please?

Yes, it depends on how well-defined the beam is. Some lights are very floody (i.e. not accurate), and others aren't. You can't say it's "50% of the light", as that…

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Flames going out on Gas Log heater

Never thought there could be a thermostat there (I'm used to wood fireplaces, not gas), with that in mind, I think you're correct that it's merely that triggering.

12 years12 yearsDanoisDanois posted:
Laundry Cabinetry

It's a matter of building/getting the drawers to be able to support the weight. In a pinch, you can have thin/narrow lengths of wood underneath the shelving to counter the…

Joined homeone
9 July 2011

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