1 year1 yearDanHordern posted:
Our Henley Build - Amalfi 30
Our Henley Build - Amalfi 30
Do you have any photos of your place that you wouldn't mind sharing ?
1 year1 yearDanHordern posted:
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Henley homes - Amalfi 34 build
Hi Tom & George,
Can you update us on your build please. We are considering the same house. How has your build gone ? What was the timeline ? Are you…
1 year1 yearDanHordern posted:
Knock Down Re Build Henley
Knock Down Re Build Henley
One year ? Can you please let me know why it took so long ? We are considering Henley, but that kind of time-line puts me off
Joined homeone
15 February 2021
Hi, can you tell me how long your house is - you seem to have longed it quite a bit to fit in the Landry and prayer room
posted by sumithra