Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
Those footings are very reasonable and the footing costs won't be too high for you. Our first house required 1100 deep footings, so double your depth. Our current house they…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
No drama, ask as many questions as you like!!
The tiling itself to the ceiling wasn't too much more, it was the fact that they were large rectified tiles that altered…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
Here is a photo of our friends bedroom (well until they sold it, I have attached a link from realestate.com of their house, scroll through to see their bedroom) This…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
They are very nice sinks, we liked them, but we ended up choosing the rectangular countertop basins (named Adelaide). Probably would be a similar cost upgrade I would assume, and…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
The changes you have made look great and sensible! Noticed you have made the alfresco smaller, any reason for this??
We also upgraded to the 900 freestanding oven package, it is…

Building with Fairmont Homes / RealtySA @ Woodcroft Horizon
Yeh, that is what I figured from what I have read on here and the reviews on the web about Fairmont. Things happen a little slower than other builds. I…

Builder pulling out of SA in December - WWYD??
I have also built with Homestead twice. First build was 5 years ago, my last one was only last year and we moved in a couple of weeks before Christmas.…

Best spot for NBN terminal? + WHO DOES CAT 6 CABLING?
PM sent TomCat!

Best spot for NBN terminal? + WHO DOES CAT 6 CABLING?
I have mine also in the garage, on the back wall (opposite wall to the garage roller door)
It is at about eye level, all the NBN equipment is stored in…

Simonds Avalon Adelaide [Pre-site]
Just confirming that I understand what you are saying.....
You have already done earthworks on your block by bringing in your own fill and done your own retaining? This has already…

Polytec vs Laminex
I had the same email from our builder a couple of days ago about the same product. Supposedly a national shortage....
They have suggested we choose Laminex Espresso Ligna in the…

exposed aggregate concrete in alfresco area
Thanks everyone for their help and tips
Debra, had a quick look at your blog, the exposed aggregate looks great, and I quite like the saw cuts also, does look like…

exposed aggregate concrete in alfresco area
I am wondering if anyone could help and offer any advice, or maybe post some pics.
We are currently building a new house, in which we have a decent size alfresco…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
We had a $21k allowance for our 320m2 house. We didn't go over this. Looking at ours, we had 450 deep footings, so I would assume the $28k allowance for…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
Just looking through my email chain, seemed like it was about 3 weeks from paying the initial deposit and receiving the first draft plans.
Yes, so the P classification is pretty…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
I think those curtains would look excellent, especially in a bedroom environment, and you are correct, the narrow vertical windows will suit those curtains along with the larger window on…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
Addressing the secondary frontage on a corner block is sometimes quite difficult. We didn't have to deal with this issue, but my sister who is about to commence building also…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
Valid point, but the oven that Homestead offers has a kick panel so nothing can go under it.
https://www.westinghouse.com.au/freesta ... s/wfe914sa
Also, cabinets either side of my…

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
By the way....
Very nice home design also! Just looked at the plan online, did you change anything from the standard design?

Playford Alive build - Homestead Sandridge
Hi PASandridge
Congrats on signing with Homestead.
We have built with Homestead twice now, back in 2010, and last year, moved in just before Christmas. Had an excellent experience both times, from…

Builder pulling out of SA in December - WWYD??
We paid our deposit once we were happy with their quote in January last year, and then the block was cut in June last year. So approximately 6 months from…

Building with Fairmont Homes / RealtySA @ Woodcroft Horizon
Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
I think she will go ahead with the build, just sorting out some finances.
Interesting what you say about the build time, they are telling her…

Building with Fairmont Homes / RealtySA @ Woodcroft Horizon
I was wondering if anyone can help me out with a query about the Horizon development.
My Sister is thinking about buying a block that she currently has on hold. As…

Best spot for NBN terminal? + WHO DOES CAT 6 CABLING?
You definitely will want it through the cavity walls, pre gyprock stage, and even before internal insulation as it will be easier then. Is a lot easier to do it…

Simonds Avalon Adelaide [Pre-site]
Yeh, when we had our siteworks plan given to us, we had a 100 TK, just a reference point on our street frontage. Then I was given both our neighbours…

Building the Cleo two story with Simonds SA - Lock up
Most councils on their websites you can view development applications.
If you go to your local council's website, you should be able to do a search of your address and then…

KDR Adelaide - starting over again with Fairmont Homes
That AC quote from Sekisui seems quite reasonable, but saying that, I would still wait til after handover to organise. You will also then know how much money you have…

exposed aggregate concrete in alfresco area
yeh, that is the general feedback I am currently getting, so maybe in an area like the alfresco it isn't a great idea where I would intend on walking with…

Custom Build Recommendations in South Australia
PM has been sent lostpalomino!