Under tile heating.
Keeping your feet warm, keeps your whole body warm.
Under tile heating can be moved to off peak heating (depending where you live, where heat is most likely required when peak…
Anyone keeping Chickens?
here are my chooks.......
QLD Ergon Energy Tariff trial
Most of the houses i see are packed like sardines !!!!
i wonder if the computer software that calculates the energy efficiency of a house takes this into account !
QLD Ergon Energy Tariff trial
With the hot humid climate (Cairns) i wonder if this trial is going to work ?
QLD Ergon Energy Tariff trial
3 phase reading from controller
This is for any interested parties.
This is a snapshot of my usage during the day ( on the low side, no cooking etc) from my general tariff
Take note of my…
Completely air tight homes?
i think the unit was between $2000-3000 with tubing and outlet, but you have to supply your own inlet cowl.
Speedheat vs other heating methods
Under tile heating is the safest form of heating, as long as they are connected to a RCD.
Sad news about gas heating http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/mum-in-the-clear-over-deaths-of-tyler-and-chase-robinson/story-e6frf7jo-1225874623466
Completely air tight homes?
i have a IC 300 installed http://www.air-change.com/Products/ERVInCeiling/tabid/75/Default.aspx
HRV Solamate. Heat Recovery Unit
I've looked at this:
It will be interesting to know what filters they use.
It sucks air from the roof then pushes it into the rooms ??? I must say i don't…
Where would you put your filter for drinking water?
are you going to use carbon filters ? if so they are rated to 2000L (10" models) so i would only filter the drinking water only as close as possible…
Absorption trenches why do I need it?
can you post the hydraulic design ?
Can you somebody explain why I need it and when it gets full or clogged what happens then?
you need it for your waste, if…
Separate trenches for electrical and plumbing?
yes. not the Nitto electrical tape type
Separate trenches for electrical and plumbing?
i think you can as long as the electrical conduit meets the depth requirements. for example, have the electrical at 600mm add sand then electrical tape, then add soil to…
new neighbours built a fence without asking us :(
is the fence on the border or a couple centimetres on their side ?
How to choose tapwear etc?
i went with mixers everywhere, and they have internal limits for hot water, very safe.
Outside Taps
Yep, i've got a tempered tap near the garage
overall, i've got 8 external taps.
Dry System for rainwater capture
chemical will slowly leach through the soil over the months/years and then start leaking into the storm water piping that has been laid around the house.
is thge pipe porous ?
Under-tile heating for bathroom & WC
$1000 for 12.5m2 sounds a bit steep, but i bought my mats 3 years ago.
Are the thermostats manual or digital (with timers) ?
Dry System for rainwater capture
250m2 of roof
1mm of rain = 250 L
15000 L = 60mm of rain
u may consider large tanks ??
Under-tile heating for bathroom & WC
i've got Devi mats, works great !!
Clipsal C-Bus
hmmm, you might have to take into account the transformer as well
LATRONICS power inverters, are they any good ?
what size water pump, did you allow the surge in current at startup ?
maybe a cheap genset would be better.
Getting hot water ... faster! ... hot water recirculation
while i understand water is precious, it was not the reason for installing a ring main.
My ensuite is approx 20m from the HW unit, without the pump i would have…
Noggins - where do you wish you had put them???
i used ply between studs, but i OB.
Getting hot water ... faster! ... hot water recirculation
i just got one of these installed (similiar), but i've got a ring main.
Owner Builder
Started 3 years ago......
still going......
Learnt alot !!