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Joined 14 August 2017
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6 years6 yearsPortofino38Portofino38 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

I think so!
Our SS is working through our list and hopefully we'll have keys by Friday!

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6 years6 yearsPortofino38Portofino38 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

And a beautiful looking slab at that!!
Thanks Portofino38!
Our kids are like: 'they're building the house really fast now!'
- cause we've been talking about the new house for a…

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6 years6 yearsNewy-JanNewy-Jan posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

At long last. ... a slab!

Gives me hope that, one day, we will be joining you folks in having a new house of our own! šŸ˜…

Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park
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6 years6 yearsNewy-JanNewy-Jan posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Can't believe how much energy goes in to getting things done the way you agreed on! Argghh. Shouldn't be so hard.
Well done on getting it sorted!

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6 years6 yearskkskks posted:
Freebies and Upgrades

I learnt all I know about negotiating with builders from buying second-hand cars on Parramatta Road. :-)

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7 years7 yearsPortofino38Portofino38 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Exciting!! Your site supervisor seems to really be on the ball!
We had a site visit today :)
Everything is looking pretty good! A few very…

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7 years7 yearsNewy-JanNewy-Jan posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

We have a pool!!!

Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park
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7 years7 yearsNewy-JanNewy-Jan posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Oh my! So jealous!! I wanted a pool but just couldnt fit it on our lot!
That will look amazing!
Thanks! Definitely lost some greenspace to have it but think…

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7 years7 yearsPortofino38Portofino38 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

The slab is a pretty exciting moment!!
I remember seeing our slab and being soooo excited knowing that things were going to start rolling with the build.... then when i…

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7 years7 yearsNewy-JanNewy-Jan posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

With frames it'll be like a real house! (well, at least the skeleton of one. ..) šŸ˜‰

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7 years7 yearsLemansLemans posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Congrats on starting!

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7 years7 yearsedestusedestus posted:

I can see that working really well. Which part of the facade were you thinking?
I was thinking of doing it to the LHS, but i think ill just hold of…

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7 years7 yearsNewy-JanNewy-Jan posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Thanks Portofino38 šŸ˜Š
How's your build going? Progressing ok? Are you happy so far?
We just got approval today for pool and shed, so now just waiting on house to get…

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7 years7 yearsedestusedestus posted:

Lock stage...
Roof complete
Gutters done
Upper bricks clean
Plumbing rough in done
Waiting on electrical rough ins
Lower brick cleans

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7 years7 yearsLara21Lara21 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Yay! Thats great news! Nothing that cant be fixed! I'm glad you haven't had to wait long to get someone out to fix up your issues.
How did your retaining wall…

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7 years7 yearsLara21Lara21 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Thank you! Need to take more pics but there's stuff all over the place still.
Theres nothing that Im not happy with. There are some minor things that I've had…

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7 years7 yearsPortofino38Portofino38 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Oh yay!! Thats awesome!!

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7 years7 yearsLara21Lara21 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Hooray!! Congratulations!

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7 years7 yearsPortofino38Portofino38 posted:
Fowler Homes Catalina 23 - Oran Park

Are you doing your tiles after hand over or through Fowler?
Iā€™m doing them through Fowler.
You'd think Fowler would let you get the upgraded tiles for free due to the…

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