
Smart light switch - Something you should have
Hi Alex
The maximum is still 3 gang, There is another switch which is a single gang dimmer

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Hi Alex
Yes it's mesh WiFi smart light switch

Smart light switch - Something you should have
we had another project in Melbourne

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Another project is done is Melbourne . Ctec smart light switches are fully installed through out this house.

Smart light switch - Something you should have
We will launch a new product in next couple of weeks. Here are the features of the new range.
Two categories.
5 in 1 multi function switch. 1 gang switch, 2…

Google Home integration with Home Assistant
We will have a Home Assistant enable version very shortly.

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Add some recent projects

Smart light switch - Something you should have
One of our recent projects in Melbourne. Ctec smart light switches are fully installed throughout this luxury house.

Smart light switch - Something you should have
We received couple of messages asking about our smart dimmer switch. Please find out the performance of Ctec dimmer switch,

Electrical Plan - New House - Need Suggestion
You can please let us know if you would like to have smart light switches.
Do ask for neutral wires

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Yes, if the internet goes out only the master switch works. but it's not often these days. The price you checked online is for normal WiFi model and it not…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Thanks for your interest with our product.
Does your first question mean 2 way switching? our 2 way switching is handled wirelessly which means only one channel needs to wired to…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Want to know the value of having smart light switches? Watch this nice video from our partner in New Zealand. Enjoy

Automation Advice Required
We are Sydney based smart light switch supplier. We will release a new range in next couple of weeks which is a multi-function mesh WiFi LCD smart light switch.…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
another full installation is coming soon..

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Any Apple HomeKit users? We have a present for you. Our new range works with HomeKit

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Product video for our new range.

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Hi Alex
The LED light on the panel can be turned off via the app. even you can schedule it for example turn the background light off from 10 pm to…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
the cost of including neutral wires shouldn't be to high. Most of new houses have neutral wires these days. Better to confirm with your builder or electrician

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Roughly $4500-4800 for 30 switches, please send us an email via our website www.ctec.com.au and someone will get back to you with a quote. We don't…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
No, we don't use ESP8266. This new range will support Home Assistant directly without being flashed.

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Correct, only one switch will connect to the router even 30 switches are installed. Other switches will connect to each other.
Sorry I am not sure what you mean by…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Hello everyone,
We are currently offering special prices for bulk orders. Please let us know if you would like to upgrade to smart lighting features with the most advanced smart light…

Google Home integration with Home Assistant
We will have a Home Assistant enable version very shortly.

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Ctec also has smart cutrain/shutter/blind switch. Watch this video and see how our customer controls his roller shutter via Google Home

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Thanks for your comment. You can simply ask if they are going to run neutral wires at each light switches. It pretty standard to have neutral wires in new houses…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
$15 is reasonable. Thanks for your feedback and please let me know if you would like to try out our smart light switches

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Hi rum_home,
Thanks for your updates, as explained by BECAM, any electrical wall switches to be sold in Australia need to get the product tested and approved. No every smart light…

Smart light switch - Something you should have
Thanks you for your interest with our product. Please let us know if you need any help

Smart light switch - Something you should have
One of our most recent full installations. The customer is currently building with a project home building company.
It's never too late to put smart light switches in.