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Joined 24 May 2016
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8 years8 yearsAJBAJB posted:
Our New Home in Gippsland - almost complete

Thanks Reg, Craig, Horse and Kat.
Painting has finally started properly.
I have been getting some quotes for blinds and are probably going to go with these.

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8 years8 yearsAJBAJB posted:
Our New Home in Gippsland - almost complete

Thanks Horse. I have been packing all day! I have run out of boxes. I'm a teacher so I have a week before I officially go back to work to…

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8 years8 yearsSileNceRSileNceR posted:
Custom Build in Warrnambool

The drop sheet and other detritus was removed from the island bench today. It's funny because in photos it actually looks sort of small. I think because it's so thick…

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8 years8 yearsAJBAJB posted:
Our New Home in Gippsland - almost complete

Maybe Reg. Our house is much smaller than yours so everything should be quicker.

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8 years8 yearsnicolawhitelawnicolawhitelaw posted:
Building our first house with Aspect Homes Qld

Omg your tradies must have rockets up their butts holy moly you are flying!!! And it's looking fabulous! So cute the kids helping paint. Can't wait to see it all…

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8 years8 yearsDrew01Drew01 posted:
Building Bayside : Our Glendale 45

We've got another cunning plan under way at the moment... Should have some indicative pricing by the end of the week...

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8 years8 yearsOrpheusOrpheus posted:
Dream Metricon Glendale 38 (Sydney)!

Still no tradies on site. I'm soooo bored of progress. It's time to change my avatar again I think...
This is how I feel....

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8 years8 yearsOrpheusOrpheus posted:
Dream Metricon Glendale 38 (Sydney)!

I concur so much to be done and you figure they want to start early and get things moving.
We want PCI! We want PCI!

Build thread:

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8 years8 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

They're from Fair Price Furniture, they have a store in Dandy Frankston Road (where I have done most of my furniture shopping). I was wondering if there are any interesting…

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8 years8 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Thanks for all your input everyone, definitely keeping it in mind.
I'm leaning towards a 2 + 3 seater combo, or my original plan of a 3 seater + 2…

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8 years8 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

So I cancelled my order on the couch, they were really good about it. The sad thing is, I really loved the couch and was happy with the price, it…

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8 years8 yearsPerry the PomPerry the Pom posted:
Lilli Pilli Hedge

G'day cat_dunc,
I was able to purchase my Lippy Pilly plants from" Plant in a Box' on e-Bay. The cost of each plant was $6. These are in a large tube…

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8 years8 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Wow that's pretty cool!!! I'm completely non-handy, but thankfully my dad can handle anything (except timber). I'm trying to get a quote from a place called CatMax, I want one…

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8 years8 yearsBecs CoralBecs Coral posted:
Coral Daydream 32

I didn't think I could be any happier with our tiles but am now they have started to be grouted. Love it.

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8 years8 yearsAJBAJB posted:
Our New Home in Gippsland - almost complete

I went to Costco today and bought 60 rolls of toilet paper! I think I will be very happy if I have some left to take to the new house.…

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8 years8 yearsAJBAJB posted:
Our New Home in Gippsland - almost complete

For you Craig.

No one on site today except my husband. He has put the septic tank in today. I asked him to do it now in case he was…

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8 years8 yearsAJBAJB posted:
Our New Home in Gippsland - almost complete

Plastering was finished today and water proofing was also completed in the showers and around the bath today.

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8 years8 yearsjmart90jmart90 posted:
Building our first house with Aspect Homes Qld

The tiling in your ensuite looks incredible!! We have chosen a similar grey tile for throughout our house and were thinking about doing floor to ceiling in the same tile…

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8 years8 yearsscubabescubabe posted:
Building our first house with Aspect Homes Qld

Subscribing to your thread for updates and more photos to drool over, you are building a beautiful home!
And your front door.... wow! It is stunning!!!

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