Bosch Alarm System Troubleshooting
Hi Everyone
My alarm keeps going off as soon as it’s connected to mains power.
I just purchased a Bosch Solution 3000 Alarm System as my house was pre-wired. So far I’ve…

Erosion on back fence line - What to do?
Hi I have a property in Ipswich QLD and the soil in the back is slowly eroding away. The house behind ours has a trench dug out on their side…

Old kitchen tap
I have this old kitchen tap that is annoying me so badly. I would like to get it replaced but have no idea what to replace it with. My best…

Water Leaking from the windows
So my house is leaking water through the top of several front windows (from the overflowing gutter) when there's a huge storm. It pretty much flows down the window and…

Rough house plans that I've drawn up...
Hey thanks. The curved window is to allow a view of the swimming pool that i have planned. I probably will move the en suite to some other place after…

Rough house plans that I've drawn up...
I've discovered this website a few weeks ago and everyone is great! Being a keen DIYer, I have done many small jobs around and in the house e.g. tiling, building…

Bosch Alarm System Troubleshooting
Thanks for your suggestion. All sorted now.
It was actually a fun experience. After a few days I contacted the seller and troubleshooted with them. Turns out they sent the…

Erosion on back fence line - What to do?
Thanks Stewie, will get in touch with them.

Old kitchen tap
Thanks everyone for your input. I've had a look at bunnings and found some mixers that I like. I also like the idea of putting the soap dispenser over the…

Jose & Henry's Home - Pics :-)
I've heard something like that before... in the USA or something. Criminals are made to wear shirts that signposts what they did (e.g. SHOPLIFTER). Maybe they can get something in…

Rough house plans that I've drawn up...
Hi everyone, thanks for all the great comments I've been receiving! Having a library in my home would make it feel more grand but I would never have enough books…

Jose & Henry's Home - Pics :-)
I seriously hope that they get caught! Get them to do some prison time and community work - cleaning the graffiti from surrounding areas! MAKE THEM SUFFER!