Our DIY Dream Renovation
Well done. That looks great. It gives me some hope that we might also be able to renovate our place rather than knock it down and start from scratch. It'd…

Pincushion Hakea
Yeah thanks for that. They look great.
I have my Hakea now, but it is still in a pot. I will probably chuck in in over the long weekend.

Birds in Your Backyard....not what you think
I just saw an advert on ABC for a doco on the Carnaby's coming up.
Take a look at;
8:30pm Tuesday 13 March

Another game of....name that plant
Great news. Thanks for the information. I look forward to seeing how ours progress.

Rodents in vege patch
I just used a bit of wire to thread the bait onto and drilled a couple of holes into a 100mm PVC elbow. I added a few drops of vanilla…

Rodents in vege patch
Thanks, but it tends to freak the chooks out. Any time the neigbourhood cats are around the chooks tend to make a fair bit of noise.

Advice on building a bench seat
Thanks for all the comments, and a special thanks to Chippy for all your input and verification of the design.
deb, good luck with your bench. I think it is…

Another game of....name that plant
Thanks mate. I am still planing on having a Hakea laurina (pincushion) on our verge. I've seen a couple around our area.
I will certainly go down to Apace to…

Another game of....name that plant
I saw this close to my workplace, and quite like the look of it. Can anyone tell me what it is? It is around 3m tall with reasonably sparse foliage…

Advice on building a bench seat
Here are the promised progress shots. I'm embarrassed at how long this has taken to get this far. The pics below show the bench/day bed from each end. The gap…

Retaining Wall Price Estimate Comparison
If you live in WA, you can get limestone second blocks pretty cheaply from

Tannin stains on reconstituted limestone pavers
Thanks. I didn't leave the boards there for too long once I saw the stains, and it seems as though just the recent rains have removed a fair bit of…

Merbau or Jarrah for decking
It's not a dumb question at all. I like that you are considering your options after hearing about the environmental aspects. Well done.
I've not seen them side by side either,…

Plants for a dry river bed creek - Gardening Australia
There is another thread on that here;
I posted a pic on there of my brother and sister in laws place in Alice. It looked awesome. It…

timber for outside in WA
Hey Polly,
While I can't answer your question directly, I'd certainly look at the ratings given to treated pine. I don't claim to know what all the ratings mean. A quick…

Google SketchUp
Great work. I haven't used it too much myself, but I certainly like what it can do.

Getting rid of Blackberries
There is some stuff call Blackberry and Tree killer, and given it's name....I reckon it could be quite a good bet. I've used it to get rid of a Japanese…

Another game of....name that plant
Found this and a pin cushion Hakea in Bunnings a couple weeks back. $2.65 as tube stock. I've got them transplanted into a larger pot now and they seem to…

Raised garden bed
I'd be inclined to have a talk with a steel merchant or something like that to determine what you should do. I agree that burying them in soil is like…

The need to exterminate....
You could try blackberry and weedkiller. We used it on a Japanese Pepper tree at our house, and although it took lots of treatments to get all the suckers etc,…

Rodents in vege patch
Thanks. I have a large bucket of these. We've had the baits in the shed quite often and found a couple of dead rats in the past little while. I…

Rodents in vege patch
Hi All,
We've had some recent rat activity in our orange tree (ie. oranges hollowed out straight off the tree) as well as in our vege patch. We've lost two whole…

So what have you done in your garden today?
The stakes are temporary and an attempt to allow start on the right path. Essentially, I am attempting to prevent
What is the big drama with staking them (other than…

So what have you done in your garden today?
We got our long awaited fruit trees in. They are VERY close together, but I am hoping that they will only grow to fill space (that is what we were…

Chippy's Build. We're in! Not finished, but almost.
Wow! I've just read through your thread. It looks awesome! What a beautiful home. Nice work Chippy.

Advice on building a bench seat
Laila, I LOVE your optimism! It is now largely underway, but I still have a bit of work to do, and the design changed a little since the last update.…

Treated Pine Logs
Got em. Matera's salvage in South Lake. Used to be Pete's salvage.

Treated Pine Logs
Hi All,
I am chasing some treated pine logs (preferably 125mm in diameter and around 3m long) in the Perth area (preferably south of the river).
I will be using them…