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Joined 12 June 2013
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11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Congrats Adj :)
Helen, haven't heard anything as yet in regards to outstanding pci items as relayed on product review...

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Baronx highly doubt you were the only ones...I had to be really pushy about the ducting - I didn't allow them to install the rangehood when they arrived to…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Had handover last friday - so have been busy with things.
Had some issue's so am reserving my comments till after wednesday.

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

we are very very very close - cant wait...

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Sam - the home is looking awesome!
We picked the same feature tiles (green mosaics) for our bathroom but only used in the shower niches - your layout of them looks…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Floorboards went in today and they look amazing!!!
1 week to PCI and I cant wait...we have had heaps of mistakes (inc yesterday) along the way and it has taken…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

pach004 - we have had sales consultants through our property - we didn't know till after - was a bit weird but our home isn't on display anywhere - Marina…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I think our list is easily as long but just contains different bits...
We have had one great quote for the 150+sqm of concrete we need done after, another meeting on…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
land buying in bluestone green wyndham vale?

check you aren't in a bushfire prone area to start with - and you may have trouble when it comes to valuations with build from banks...

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Backpocket - Adj - houses almost finished???
Cant say ours is going to plan at the moment...

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

and mummadj - pool must have been amazeballs last week!

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

looks great skye02 :)

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
land buying in bluestone green wyndham vale?

we are currently building in that estate

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Meowsy's Montrose-photos of lived in house!

Hi Meowsy - where did u pick the pendants in your hall? They look good.
And is under the bathroom sink plinth not finished? or is it just the pic makes…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

we decided not to do evap as I find it makes everything sticky - the same 6k price tag will get us some great spilt systems installed post handover..

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Cabinets Looks great Inglewood :)

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

For us the pcv discount gets applied on last payment, so all our progress payments have been what contract stated but the final one will be 2560 less.
dont know if…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Nope no date, painting was done by 27th dec and only 1day of work onsite since, some plaster work in garage, nothing else we had been told other things would…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Havent heard from BC, but not much is happening onsite as our SS is away for another week.

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I am fairly sure that certain charges in relation to water are fielded by owners - eg supply/parks waste charges etc but the actual usage during build is covered by…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Backpocket,
I do need to update the blog just haven't been on computer for a while, painting is mostly finished from what I can see through the windows apart…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Plaster is up in garage finally :) and some of the paint prep has been started - our ss is off for 4 weeks I believe…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I don't think they are on the forum - have just driven past it many times on the way to my bestie's. From what I understand so long as you…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

There is a house in Hoppers Crossing (guessing a waldorf) that they have double garages to both sides of the home - no idea what other changes as it's huge.…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hey Building in Ballarat - have checked out some of your blog - the dunes has a very similar front layout to the Marina we are building :)

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Backpocket got any more pics to share?
Adj any luck on retaining wall issue?
thanks for the heads up about final payment, will resist the urge to collect keys if things…

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Meowsy's Montrose-photos of lived in house!

Congrats Meowsy and family enjoy you new home! Xx

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Our fix invoice came yesterday 90% paid fro but still so much to do - im guessing at least another 11weeks due to chrissy....

11 years11 yearsclairemumto5clairemumto5 posted:
Porter Davis homes

The lay of tiles would just be a small adjustment in cost - where you may have trouble is if you want to change height of tiling as they have…

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Porter Davis homes
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