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Joined 29 February 2008
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Most Active Topics

14 years14 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Removing a fire place

I have removed one, in my old place, about 4 years ago.
It was a double-brick house, with floorboards.
After removing the fireplace, I bricked up the cavity, rendered with mortar until…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Steel frame, brick work over windows

Re hanging TV on walls, my steel frame has noggins (roughly 1400mm above the slab). So, I just used construction glue to stick various piece of timber on top…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
plumbing headache

One possibility .... Let's say you have 4 downpipes joining together (underground) then all the water from the 4 pipes feeds into one pipe going to the discharge point.…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Gas point in Alfresco

Mine charged about $240.

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building 2 units, Duplex or not?

Unless your block is particularly wide, it may be difficult for both houses (duplex) to have double garages (unless your council is very forgiving).

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
How to attach bamboo fencing to brick wall

I would drill some holes, put some "spaghetti" in, and screw some hooks in.

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Our Knockdown Rebuild Project - Floorplan Suggestions

Will you be having a breakfast bar?
If yes, then people sitting there will be right in the middle of the walk way.
If no, then no problem.

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
so i want to connect 2 laminate plates together...

If you don't remove the braces, your suggestion will work.
If you have to remove the braces, then it depends on the load on the joint.

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

Hi Vid,
Congrats on your home. Your build has been a far better one than mine.
I reluctantly paid for one of my houses last week, to get the key.
A long…

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Has anyone used a good private builder in Adelaide?

Gasparin Homes was highly recommended to me. A bit more expensive but good build quality. I wished I went with them.

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

My slab went in at the end of March 09. Lock-up was (approx) mid August. Then things just went slow-motion for about 2 months. I mean, like…

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

See the following:
http://www.sawater.com.au/NR/rdonlyres/ ... ocFees.pdf

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Does putting gloss on timber floors help protect it?

No sure about spills & stains, but someone once told me that gloss urethane is more scratch resistant than its semi-gloss or matt counterpart.

14 years14 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Water dripping down the fascia

The gutters you have looks like the ones in my new house. They have slots that aren't very high above the bottom of the gutter. I get the…

14 years14 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Removing wallpaper

I did this in my old place about 4 years ago. The lounge and hall had slightly different design. We started at the lounge, spray a bit of…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
low pressure with hot water

A number of possibilities.
In one case that I know, plumber's tape had torn/deteriorated and collected in the shower head. So, I suggest take out the shower head to check…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Cost of power points

Without knowing the details, it does sound expensive.
Maybe if you let the forum know which city and which part of that city you're in, then maybe someone can suggest a…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Please recommend me laminated timber flooring brands :)

Kronotex is another that I recommend you look at. Pricey but some of their range comes in long lengths. I would have gone with them if they had…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
plumbing headache

Some questions:
- are the 3 downpipes you mentioned the only 3 downpipes that feed to the kerb discharge?
- re the areas that the water is coming out, are these points…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Guttering overflows

Height difference, pipe diameter, roof area, etc are inter-related.
I have 90mm pipes, approx 100 sqm going into the tank, and height difference of approx 45cm. My gutters have overflow…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Guttering overflows

One other possibility .... if you have a "charged" system and the inlet into the tank is only marginally lower than the gutter height.

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Tips for building a narrow home?

I recently built a pair of duplexes (common garage wall) on a sub-18m wide block (i.e. sub 9m for each house).
Own design with a hallway that is "stepped" in the…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Sub-Division in SA

I heard that new rules came in to handle for properties that have been the principal residence for portion of the time since purchase. You may need to get…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Curing concrete

My concretor will be putting in driveway, perimeters, etc in late Jan.
Adelaide's weather in late Jan .... probably high 30's (at least).
Other than getting 100+ sqm of hessian and plastic…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Retaining wall collapsed due to the rain .... help

Advice #1 - take plenty of photographs. Include a measuring tape if necessary so that dimensions are clear eg record evidence of "shallow" posts.
Beyond this .... maybe other forumites…

15 years15 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Formica Laminate Flooring

My Formica lam floor (heavenly oak) went in recently.
I've been told by a professional (who declined to quote) that Formica has a very tight lock, and should only be laid…

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

Same/similar to my steel frame home.
Re the bolt photo, I believe it is deliberate.
Re the cut-out for the pipe, when you think about it, it makes very little difference to…

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

Hi all,
I received a letter from my builder saying that completion is near and I should get a phone call to arrange a walk through appointment.
However, small problems still seem…

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

You've done well ::
New competition can be a very good thing for consumers.

16 years16 yearsChrisLChrisL posted:
Building in SA!

Hi vid,
In my case, walls and ceilings were lined at lock-up.
Since that tiime (3 weeks ago), the kitchen's in, bath tub is in, bathroom floor tiled, skirting in, cornices done.

Joined homeone
29 February 2008

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