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Joined 18 June 2009
Gold Member
15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Another Santorini 26 by *M*-Dream turning into a NIGHTMARE

Hey Shelz - is tomorrow the big day?!??? Or did you decide to delay handover?
We had (and still have) a bunch of outstanding issues, but we weren't quite observant…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Another Santorini 26 by *M*-Dream turning into a NIGHTMARE

That's awesome news, Shelz! :P :P :P So glad everything looks like…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:

::celeb:: ::celeb:: ::celeb:: ::celeb:: ::celeb::

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Dreamhome Post Handover - Bricks turning green again!

:D :D :D Thanks for the pic-fest!!! :D

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Another Santorini 26 by *M*-Dream turning into a NIGHTMARE

:: .... :: .... :: .... :: .... :: ....…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:

Wow Chlo, you're sooo close! After all the issues you've had, you're nearly there! And PCI tomorrow - woohooo - HAVE FUN!! :z:

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Dreamhome Post Handover - Bricks turning green again!

2nd March will be here in no time! Though after all your issues it must be hard to believe that handover will ever arrive. Good to hear SM3…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
The Majestic - Walk through 26-7-10

TamDaz, your home is looking sensational!!! Gorgeous! :P :P :P (I still haven't…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Santorini 26 by the Murray - Ready for the Slab

Oooh, ooh, ooh! CONGRATULATIONS on the pegs!!!! :z: :z: :z: Nothing…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Building a Santorini 26 in the heart of victoria!

::celeb:: Happy happy almost-handover day!!!
::cool:: Just think, tomorrow you'll be walking around your very own home.

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Thanks Lynnebin! ::kissed:: (Possibly more to do with luck than taste? ::wink::)

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

PHOTOS! :z: :z: :z:
Empty promise - sorry!! :oops:

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Thanks so much for sharing my excitement everyone!! ::lol::
Well, a week without internet has been a leeeetle tortuous (to say the least), but…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Re: TC2000 - 10/06/10 STILL NO INTERNET

Hey TC!! Really really quick skim catch-up of your thread and I'm loving your house - she looks just beautiful! Not wonky at all :wink:

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Chelsea 33 with M3tr!con - All moved in

Carpet tomorrow - wooohooooo! That'll be so exciting. I can't believe the difference it makes once the tiles and carpet goes down. ::smile::

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Another Santorini 26 by *M*-Dream turning into a NIGHTMARE

Hi Shelzy!! Wow, you're soooo close! :z: :z: :z: Just had a quick…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
My first home - Santorini 26 by M3tr!con

Hey Jellybean - Congratulations on handover (I'm assuming it actually went ahead?) I'm amazed that you had to wait sooooo long considering how far ahead of the rest of…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Well, I'm still in disbelief, but despite everything - handover happened!!! ::lol:: ::lol:: ::lol:: We're…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Thanks so much Rowena!!! I never thought it would happen. Truth is I'm still not sure we'll ever get that elusive handover! ::lol::

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Penny, you never know! I hope it's closer to the end of Feb than Mar for you! Shelz, things really crept up on us! And there's so…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Thanks everyone! I can't believe how much was done on our place in the week leading up to Christmas and in the 2nd week of Janurary! For a…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Can't seem to find more than a couple of minutes spare at a time to post properly and catch up on other people's progress, so a quick update will have…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Charlie's Place | PHOTOS! |

Okay, took me long enough but here we go... PHOTOS!
Kitchen delivered (in bits)
Here's where it started to get really exciting!

Kitchen installed (woohoo!)
I've mentioned a few times how nervous we…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Re: TC2000 - 10/06/10 STILL NO INTERNET

Hi TC! Sorry to hear that it's all gone quiet! So there weren't any plasterers willing to do some Christmas work?? What a pity! Sounds like…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Another Santorini 26 by *M*-Dream turning into a NIGHTMARE

Oh my goodness, Shelz! Can't believe how quickly your home has sprung up!!! You're so nearly there. :z: :z:

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Building a Santorini 26 in the heart of victoria!

Monkey - your home looks sensational!!! Just had a look at your blog and it's so exciting to see your house that close to the finish line! I'm…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Chelsea 33 with M3tr!con - All moved in

Hi Penny - it's been ages since I've caught up on your progress, and your house is looking fantastic!!! :: I love the cabinetry…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:

Hi Chlo! So glad to hear you had a great Christmas - hope it's a sign of things to come in the brand new year!! ::lol::

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
Dreamhome Post Handover - Bricks turning green again!

Congrats on your progress Dreamhome! Must have been so wonderful to get a new Site Manager and to see things moving again. And feature walls & cabinets -…

15 years15 yearscharliecharlie posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Wow! How exciting to have the brickies back straight after Christmas!! It's looking sensational - can't wait to see how those beautiful bricks come up once they've been…

Joined homeone
18 June 2009

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