Building with Burbank...
Hi, yeh we had our soil report done as well. in the report they said they found the front 2 pegs but could not find 2 pegs at the rear.…
Building with Burbank...
In regards to roof guard rails, is it supposed to be paid by builders or do they have to put the charge on us? Im confused, I had a quote…
Building with Burbank...
Anyone here building in city of Wyndham? was wondering if anyone knows the council's temporary fencing requirement on building sites?
Building with Burbank...
We are having ontario facade on ascent 2500 too! What stage are u at now? started building yet? We are still waiting for colours appt. There were so many extras…
Building with Burbank...
Hi, we are building Ascent 2500 with Burbank (in Williams Landing). This is our first time building thru them. Could anyone please tell me any shifty/*******/tricky stuff they might pull…
Solar Panel Orientation
We have a north facing block, but was told by builders we have to pay $700 extra for an extra solar panel as we are not allowed to put them…
How much for temporary fencing in your site cost? Mine $5K
Just trying to work out if builders rip you off with site costs in general! would it be better to get independent soil test instead of leaving it up to…